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Message board > General Discussion > Plea for Pretty Photos 

Plea for Pretty Photos by Rich/Dan - Wed 9th Mar 2005, 10:05am
I'm looking for a photo or two of Cambridge rowing to put into a document that I'm writing. The criteria are:
- Must be taken by a club member (i.e. not Jet, so we can use it without copyright issues)
- Preferably showing people rowing well
- Preferably showing lots of crowds on the bank
- Preferably in summer

Can anybody help?

Separately, if anybody can find a photo thats shows off a company sponsoring one of the boat clubs (e.g. their name very obvious on a splashtop) then that would be fab too.
by mjb - Wed 9th Mar 2005, 10:21am
Rich/Dan said: I'm looking for a photo or two of Cambridge rowing to put into a document that I'm writing. The criteria are:
- Must be taken by a club member (i.e. not Jet, so we can use it without copyright issues)
- Preferably showing people rowing well
- Preferably showing lots of crowds on the bank
- Preferably in summer

Can anybody help?
Found this one
by Martin - Wed 9th Mar 2005, 1:33pm
Or this or this?
by Martin - Wed 9th Mar 2005, 1:38pm
Note also you can get the high res versions now by clicking the pictures, could be useful if you are wanting to print.
by sarah - Wed 9th Mar 2005, 3:19pm
can't find a better shot of this but seems like good use of sponsorship...

2nd men with mercer along their sleeves
by Rich/Dan - Wed 9th Mar 2005, 10:08pm
mjb said: Found this one
That's a beauty. Thanks Matt.
by mjb - Thu 10th Mar 2005, 9:30am
Rich/Dan said: Thanks Matt.
Thank Martin, it's his photo ...
by Look Around You - Thu 10th Mar 2005, 2:16pm
Rich/Dan said: That's a beauty. Thanks Matt.
Thanks Matt. Thatt.