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Gym erg style guide by Simon - Fri 3rd Oct 2003, 4:51pm
Anyone who has used an erg in a gym during the holidays will have been able to enjoy that smug feeling as you under rate someone on the ergs who just does not know how to row and is flummoxed as you pull splits which are far better than them. This thread is to enable us to contrast and compare "gym erg" technique.

As well as a fantastic piece of skill witnessed at the Indoor champs, with a contestant tapping up at the finish, my particular favourite is someone at my gym in London who manages to use their back twice in every stroke. Pure class. (9 replies...)
Chideock by Julia Gog - Tue 5th Aug 2003, 9:42am
Does anyone have Cass Chideock's current E-mail/real-mail address? If so, can you drop it to me at

Your best ever outing by Simon - Mon 7th Jul 2003, 3:59pm
As it's quiet on the boards...
I've just had a really productive and constructive outing in the 2-, which made me start to wonder what was my best outing (nb not race) ever. Haven't made my mind up yet, but thought I'd set up a thread in case anyone else felt like doing some reminiscing as well. (10 replies...)
"Rowing" - 1904 by Simon - Tue 6th May 2003, 10:56am
From WG East's 1904 book "Rowing" (via The Tideway Slug):

Rowing terms
"SUGARING - Rowing apparently correctly, but avoiding putting in a full share of work."

On training
"rowing stands alone, in that the exercise in the boat, in addition to walking, is all that is required to get the oarsman fit. No ball-punching exercises or dumb-bells should be practised during actual training. Walking and the boat will do all that is required."
"A rowing man should not confine his preparation entirely to the strict traing period, he should keep fairly fit through the winter if he desires to be at his best in the spring and summer. To this end he should row leisurely once or twice a week if convenient and practise ball-punching, skipping and Indian clubs. Indian club swinging is possibly the best of exercises for oarsmen during the winter months"

The day's Routine
"Turn out of bed at 6:30, certainly not later than 7 o'clock. No cup of tea before getting up, nor immediately after rising, as this is most detrimental."

On Boils
"If there is any weakness or impurity in the blood a hard course of rowing will generally bring it out in the form of boils"

On food
"The food at meals should be just whatever one fancies so long as it is plain and wholesome. Pork, rabbit, hare, venison and boiled beef are not allowed. Potatoes must be sparing partaken of. Bacon, shell fish, suet puddings, pastry and cheese complete, I think, the list of banned foods."

On Drink
"Three half-pints of ale a day are, I think, the best and sufficient drink for a man in training. the Varsity crews include a glass of port after dinner, but I think this is a mistake. If any man or crew seems low or stale I advise soup and an extra half-pint of old ale for a day or two, or a glass of champagne on three days in a week"

On 'Staleness'
Staleness at the end of training, say two or three days before the race, is much more serious, but can be cured in a well trained crew by a trip for a couple of days or a weekend to the seaside, with, of course, no rowing during this rest.

On Selecting a Stroke
"good heavyweight oarsmen are generally hard to find, for big, strong men as a general rule are not the best watermen, and do not pull with strength proportionate to their weight. The best weight for a stroke is 11 to 12 stone, over 12 stone a man is apt to be too slow, and few big men are stylish oarsmen"

Rules of racing (1904)
"15. every competitor must wear complete clothing from the shoulders to the knees, including a sleeved jersey (rule 15 is to prevent the use of the objectionable sleeveless jerseys, exposing the naked flanks and armpits, which have been introduced into amateur regattas by oarsmen of questionable status)" (10 replies...)
Small Boats' Races by Interested - Tue 22nd Apr 2003, 4:55pm
Who were the crews who raced in the Foster-Fairbairn Pairs, Fairbairn Junior Sculls, Bushe-Fox Freshmen's Sculls and Women's Championship Sculls today? (1 replies...)

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