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Crosswords and other puzzles

For discussion of all forms of mental gymnastics, especially that baffling final clue

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by Highest common factor - Fri 9th Mar 2007, 9:46am
Nice. I can't come up with anything to follow that though.
by Neil T - Fri 9th Mar 2007, 8:55am
Fabulous Ming's hot coach of term: number one for two thousand and seven? (7, 6, 6)
I'll take the stony silence as a request for hints, so here you go:

1) No specialist knowledge is required; anyone at the club (or not at the club) could solve this.

2) Unlike the clue, the answer has nothing to do with rowing.

3) If I'm honest, 'Fabulous' wasn't a great choice of word. It enhances the surface reading but is a bit dubious in the cryptic reading. Better would have been "Staggering Ming's...".
by Neil T - Thu 8th Mar 2007, 12:53am
RTT said: ...(not that I can see a great deal of use for it here).
I think the 1st Men might disagree with that.

So here's one for them:

Fabulous Ming's hot coach of term: number one for two thousand and seven? (7, 6, 6)
by RTT - Wed 7th Mar 2007, 10:21pm
Olly Olly said: Oh that's just silly. Apologies to the 99% of people reading this who are confused.
I did say it was not for everyone. In fact, I guess it was really just aimed at you (although clearly there are plenty of others who would be able to get it).

Having said that, I like the new chant (not that I can see a great deal of use for it here).
by Olly Olly - Wed 7th Mar 2007, 10:16pm
RTT said: Sorry, no. I was originally going to use the word "masters" instead of "leaders", but decided the latter sounded better in relation to the bumps.
Oh that's just silly. Apologies to the 99% of people reading this who are confused. I prefer 'King Ming' as an answer anyway, and may chant it a few times now to reinforce that view.

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