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14th Jun '04Finding new picturesby mcp
I've changed the gallery front page so that it shows all pictures added in the last fortnight.

With so many pictures being added to the photo gallery in several places at once I thought it had become difficult to find all the new ones!

I am thinking of expanding this so that you can navigate through the pictures in the order in which they have been added using the arrows.

(btw, also personal bumps aggregate info has been fixed. Thanks to everyone who alerted us to this.) (8 replies...)
12th Jun '04Crew List Changesby mcp
I'd just like to alert everyone to the way that crew lists with subs etc can be entered against particular days of something like the bumps.

If you want your bumps stats and list of races etc to accurately reflect what you have done, then do go into Results->Enter Results and set it up! Once into May Bumps, you click 'Edit Crew'. Underneath the main crew list there is a 'New' button with instructions to click it if the crew changed for any of the races.

Making these changes should be easy but Iain and I would be perfectly happy to answer questions / queries or do it for you if send an email.
1st Jun '04AGM Minutesby ipe
The AGM minutes are now online.

Apologies for the delay. My exams are now almost over so the rest of the Committee minutes should follow in the near future. (1 reply...)
8th May '04Kit Orderby ipe
The new kit order is now also available online.

The kit order system has been developed beyond what was available last term, so that you may now view and edit your order at any time after it has been placed, until the order deadline.

Please let me know if there are any problems.
27th Apr '04Long links problem fixedby mcp
I have finally worked out a problem with trying to submit long links to the message board. Sorry to everyone who has found this annoying until now.

Better late than never. (4 replies...)

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