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Web Site News

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27th Sep '06Website downtimeby bjg
Fortunately for Phil and me, our new carpet is coming tomorrow morning. Unfortunately for you, the valued website user, that means that we'll have to disconnect the server while it is being laid. According to the works department, this will be 'mid to late morning'. We therefore hope that the website will be back by the afternoon. (1 reply...)
24th Sep '06Website back onlineby bjg
Many apologies for the lack of website over the last week and a bit. Hopefully all problems are now sorted, and work productivity will now reach the low levels to which we are accustomed.
25th Feb '06Bumps testingby mcp
I've got to do some testing of the Bumps stuff, so please ignore new results for the afternoon.
18th Feb '06Site login changesby mcp
We've just installed a number of changes 'under the bonnet' of how the members' login works. Have tested it as thoroughly as I can so please email straightaway if there is anything at all which doesn't seem to work as normal.

Thank you.
20th Jan '06Email lists brokenby mcp
There is currently a problem with the site's groups feature - any mail sent to them is returned undelivered. This is something we are aware of and are hoping will be sorted asap. (2 replies...)

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