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12th Mar '03MSN contact infoby mcp
By popular request I have tweaked the members directory to optionally include MSN contact identifiers. As with the ICQ feature, you can publish your MSN email address when editing your personal info.
by Martin - Thu 13th Mar 2003, 12:58pm
Just a reminder to review your personal info page (Members -> Directory) if you use MSN Messenger and wish to share your log-in email ID.
by Finger on the pulse - Thu 13th Mar 2003, 5:23pm
What is MSN Messenger?
by In the know - Thu 13th Mar 2003, 7:46pm
Like ICQ but a bit simpler, but with some advantages. It stores your contacts info online so you can connect from any computer, and it tells you when the other person is typing something.
by query - Fri 26th Sep 2003, 9:14am
Is anyone deterred from entering MSN ids by the fact that they are displayed the whole time on the site?

Do you like the fact that anyone can contact you with it set up this way, or would you prefer that only logged-in members can access this information?
by mjb - Sat 27th Sep 2003, 8:59am
would have thought members-only would be the best option ...