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Members' Opinion Polls

Message board > Members' Opinion Polls > Members' poll: Who will get on? 

Who will get on?
The GoR is on Friday afternoon - choose 7 men's and 8 women's crews from the following.
Trinity Hall WII  5%
Pembroke WIII  32%
Christ's WII  50%
Downing WII  27%
Emmanuel WIII  18%
First & Third WIII  77%
Jesus WIII  36%
Lucy Cavendish/Hughes Hall WII  23%
Magdalene WII  9%
Peterhouse WII  18%
Sidney Sussex WII  0%
King's WII  14%
Churchill WII  9%
Selwyn WIII  9%
Magdalene WIII  0%
Sidney Sussex WIII  0%
Homerton WII  32%
Fitzwilliam WII  14%
St Edmund's WII  14%
Darwin WII  5%
Christ's MIII  23%
First & Third MV  68%
Homerton MII  45%
Pembroke MIII  45%
Girton MIII  9%
St Edmund's MII  14%
Darwin MII  0%
Sidney Sussex MIII  5%
Corpus MII  14%
Churchill MIV  9%
Magdalene MIV  5%
Fitzwilliam MIII  14%
Jesus MIV  41%
Magdalene MIII  9%
First and Third MVI  41%
LMBC MV  41%
Pembroke MIV  23%
Hughes Hall MII  5%
Total: 22 members' votes
by Magnus - Mon 18th Feb 2008, 11:00pm
First and Third MVI will unfortunately not get on, as they have scratched...
by H. Braviner - Wed 20th Feb 2008, 9:24pm
LMBC ftw (or so I hear)
by Harry - Wed 20th Feb 2008, 9:27pm
Will Brooks is getting a beating for posting on my account.
by For The Win - Thu 21st Feb 2008, 1:08am
I didn't even know what it meant.