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Message board > Members' Opinion Polls > Members' poll: What is your greatest fear when rowing on the Thames? 

What is your greatest fear when rowing on the Thames?
I believe all of these have been encountered by FaT / CU members at some point (with the possible exception of the CowboyNeal option). Which one gives you most nightmares?
Snapped rudder strings  13%
The Harbour Master  0%
The Black Buoy  13%
Fulham Flats  17%
Gastroenteritis  13%
Sofas  9%
Acer Nethercott  0%
Donald Legget  26%
Whales  9%
Total: 23 members' votes
by Smaller than your average steerer - Mon 23rd Jan 2006, 12:53am
What about the oversized waves? Or the crazy stream that the local crews use - unfairly in my opinion...
by oops - Mon 23rd Jan 2006, 9:40am
Or grounding your brand new empacher at putney?
by Simon - Mon 23rd Jan 2006, 1:18pm
Smaller than your average steerer said: Or the crazy stream that the local crews use - unfairly in my opinion...
Don't knock the stream - gives us coaches something to blame.
I once managed to steer the 4s head without a rudder from about Barnes Bridge. I didn't notice until a week later when we went to take the boat out again. I had just assumed that I was really bad at steering.
by Bowman - Tue 24th Jan 2006, 11:07pm
You know things are going badly wrong when you have to start using the rudder to steer on the Tideway...
by RJN - Wed 25th Jan 2006, 1:42am
...or bits of wood with nails in them that you accidentally row across and put massive 3ft gashes in your boat, so you have to row home all the way from the pink house using just stern pair;

...or submerged wellington boats that you suspect do not have a body attached to them, but you don't want to look back to make totally sure;

...or sailing boats who have right of way and cut across your path as you are doing firm pressure and your cox is looking behind to see where the other matched IV is;

...or finding out your welly has a hole in when you wade into the water at 7am on a freezing Saturday.