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Members' Opinion Polls

Message board > Members' Opinion Polls > Members' poll: Which of these would you most like to see permamently banned from the boathouse? 

Which of these would you most like to see permamently banned from the boathouse?
non-FaT people  17%
CU(W)(L) trialists who just cry and cry and CRY  28%
Gates with less than 36 degree pitch  0%
Bland lard  28%
Small boats  0%
Smelly co-rowers  28%
All liquids and personal electronic items  0%
Total: 18 members' votes
by Tom C - Tue 22nd Aug 2006, 10:20pm
a poll that's not only amusing but potentially useful, solid.
just to clarify the last item, is it boat club policy to avoid implying ownership of a "personal electronic item"?