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Message board > Members' Opinion Polls > Members' poll: Are you addicted to rowing? 

Are you addicted to rowing?
Many of us find there are times in our lives when rowing becomes a little more important than other things. But are you addicted? Use this well known questionaire to guage your addiction.
Score one or more? You ought to think about Rowers Anonymous...
I feel that I ought to cut down  24%
I get annoyed when people suggest I should cut down  71%
I feel guilty because of the amount I row  12%
I need an early morning eye-opener session just to survive  18%
None of the above  35%
One of the above  29%
Two of the above  29%
Three of the above  12%
All of the above (u-oh)  12%
Total: 17 members' votes
by pedant - Tue 29th Aug 2006, 3:11pm
Score one or more?
I like the way the quiz is designed to make it impossible (truthfully) to check fewer than 4 boxes!
by gf - Tue 29th Aug 2006, 4:04pm
pedant said: I like the way the quiz is designed to make it impossible (truthfully) to check fewer than 4 boxes!
...and if you interpret "x of the above" as "exactly x of the above", then you cannot truthfully tick more than 4...
by Rehabilitated - Tue 29th Aug 2006, 8:02pm
perhaps thats because by the nature of this website, you must be addicted to rowing to enter to poll.....