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Message board > Members' Opinion Polls > Members' poll: Guiltiest Pleasure? 

Guiltiest Pleasure?
Now that the Mays are over, May week has just happened, and FaT aren't rowing at Henley (again...), there is plenty of time to revive those vices that you gave up whilst training. Which of them makes you feel most guilty about your hedonistic lifestyle and the way you are treating your finely tuned body?
Wining  37%
Dining  32%
Sharking  16%
Shagging  0%
Shopping  0%
Websurfing  5%
Watching daytime TV  5%
Watching Kiddystare  5%
Total: 19 members' votes
by Disembodied - Sun 25th Jun 2006, 5:38pm
A very difficult choice, especially since my body and I aren't on speaking terms any more.
by Tom C - Fri 30th Jun 2006, 10:19am
What is sharking? I thought it meant hunting sharks, but I'm surprised that so many people from this part of the world do that.
by Mike Skinner - Fri 30th Jun 2006, 9:31pm
Tom C said: What is sharking? I thought it meant hunting sharks, but I'm surprised that so many people from this part of the world do that.
I think it's what you stop doing when you want to get chips and drinks.