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That's not cricket
http://thatsnotcricket.tangozebra...from RTT, Sun 16th Feb, 10:00am
Quite how someone managed to score 408 given that you only get 10 overs I don't know, but quite amusing nonetheless....
by Neil - Tue 29th Apr 2003, 4:21pm
RTT said: Quite how someone managed to score 408 given that you only get 10 overs I don't know, but quite amusing nonetheless....
How did someone score 408? My best so far is 150/5 (Steve Roar 82 not out) but I'm working on it - has anyone managed to get the hang of the 'crowd bonus scenes'?
by Dubya - Tue 29th Apr 2003, 5:02pm
Can i enter the competition for lowest score? 26 all out in 5 thingies... not wickets... what are they called again... overs thats it. i don't think i understand the attraction of this game...
by Andrew Flintoff - Tue 29th Apr 2003, 5:03pm
I managed to get 155 in 5 overs. I just incessantly hit space after hitting every ball. No idea if it does anything but it feels more satisfying.
by Dubya - Tue 29th Apr 2003, 11:19pm
After much practice i got 100 for 0 in 5 overs
by Dubya - Tue 29th Apr 2003, 11:51pm
and no, that's not all i've been doing for the last 6 hours during your pissup
by Neil - Wed 30th Apr 2003, 12:51pm
Just got 275/3 off ten overs (H Dawdling 161*). 408 is starting to look a little less impossible. The cheetah and the giraffe seem to be the best batsmen in terms of getting boundaries, but I can't work out how to turn fours into sixes. Pressing the space bar after a boundary seems to give you three extra runs if one of the animals in the crowd does something to the ball.
by Neil - Wed 30th Apr 2003, 1:04pm
Hang on, the top score is now 504/0. That's 8.4 runs per ball, meaning that almost all balls must be hit for six with three bonus runs. What's the trick?
by Mike - Wed 30th Apr 2003, 1:04pm
Neil said: Pressing the space bar after a boundary seems to give you three extra runs if one of the animals in the crowd does something to the ball.
That would explain the theoretical maximum of 540 off ten overs (9 off each ball) stated on the high score table. And the top score is now 504. 408 will only get you into 40th position right now...
by Revising - Thu 1st May 2003, 1:15pm
Hmm, to get 540, you need to work out how to get sixes with the lion. And can anyone work out whether the bonus runs thing is random, or can it be controlled somehow ?
by Still Revising - Thu 1st May 2003, 1:17pm
Forgot to add - my best score so far is 291/2
by Hard At Work - Thu 1st May 2003, 2:22pm
Managed to break 300 ...

318/1 (10 overs) 

Steve Roar          3*
Hartley Dawdling  278
Jumpy Roads        37*
by Mike - Thu 1st May 2003, 11:21pm
Hard At Work said: Managed to break 300 ...
328/0 (10 overs) 

Steve Roar          208*
Hartley Dawdling    120*

It's definitely easier to get a higher score on a slower computer, although it is also significantly more tedious.
by Mike - Fri 2nd May 2003, 12:10am
Didn't quite beat my last score, but anyway (including an all-run 8):

326/0 (10 overs) 

Steve Roar          326*
Hartley Dawdling      0*