First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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Interesting or entertaining web pages, as recommended by members!!

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Fly The Copter Mike, Thu 23rd May, 2:04pm
A simple little game, yet infuriatingly addictive. I won't post my high score here, as it is slightly embarassing... (2 comments...)
World Cup Trading
http://www.tradeworldcup.comfrom Simon, Tue 21st May, 12:50pm
Virtual "betting" (no real money involved) on the world cup - including on the outcomes of games while they are in progress. Anyone planning on working on a city trading desk can practice their skills here... (25 comments...)
Row, Row, Row Your Boat dw, Sat 18th May, 12:57am
This site must have been made by a twisted individual. I just can't understand the mentality of some people... :)
Midget-tossing Iain, Thu 16th May, 1:51pm
So funny, especially the music.
The Bar Tab Challenge Neil, Wed 15th May, 8:51am
This is a gift - an easy quiz game with £250 up for grabs if we can get into the top 10. There is no limit to the number of players on a team, and all players' scores are added together, so the more the better. To play, email me ( so I can add you to the team list. (14 comments...)

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