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17th May '062006-7 Club Electionsby mcp
The site has been updated with manifestos for the boat club elections for next year's posts. (Apologies for the two that are missing still - please note this is through no fault of the candidates.) They are here. Please contact to correct any mistakes made during the creation of these web versions.

And for those who for whatever reason haven't been reading their email of late (or prefer to read things in blue and gold), here's a reminder about this Sunday:

Hustings and elections will take place this Sunday at 1700h in the WLT. Please see below for details of how to vote, either by attending the Elections or by proxy (i.e. if you can't be there in person).

I am pleased to announce the following candidates for election to the 2005/6 committee (in alphabetical order of surname):

Overall Captain: Pedro Cunha, Erica Thompson
Men's Captain: Pedro Cunha
Women's Captain: Erica Thompson.
Secretary: Phil Horler, Magnus Jones
MLBCs: Will Laffan, Lorry Carr, Andrew Sugden, and Martin Yarr (joint team)
WLBCs: Amy Hewer, Sorcha McGinn, Lynsey Porter, Fran Rawlins (joint team)
Junior Treasurer: Adam Blacklay, Igor Ostrowski
Kit & Social Secretary: vacant - please consider standing!
Coxing Captain: Charlie Allen, Dominic Hockley
Webmaster: Bryn Garrod

Copies of their manifestos are available to view (or will be soon) at the boathouse and also online.

As yet no-one is standing for the position of Kit & Social Secretary (KSS). Please consider standing so that the club can have some kit and socials next year, and it should be fun to do as well! If you would like to stand, I suggest you chat to some former post-holders, e.g. Amelia Russell (arr36) or Rachel Munro (rjm80).


The candidates will each be invited to make short speech and receive questions from the floor. Afterwards they will leave the room during which further debate may ensue. Silent votes are then cast. The election is made using a single transferable vote system, i.e. voters should state their order of preference for each candidate, including RoN (Re-open Nominations).


If you wish to vote it is recommended that you attend the Elections if possible because then you will have a chance to hear the candidates speak and ask them questions. However, it is possible to have a proxy vote.

From Section II.14 of the Club Constitution: 'Members of the Club who, with sufficient cause, are absent from the annual elections, may apply to the Secretary at least three days prior to the meeting, for a Proxy, which they and the Secretary shall sign and date, which shall state: I, N.N., Member of the First and Third Trinity Boat Club, do hereby grant the bearer the right to vote "in loco remigantis", provided that I am absent, at the annual elections to be held on D.D.'

If you cannot come to the Elections and wish to have a proxy vote, please reply to me ( stating this at least 3 days before the election (i.e. by 1700h on Thursday 18 May). I will then put a permission slip in your pigeonhole with the above statement on it and my signature and date; please sign it as well. You will then need to ask someone who is attending the Elections to vote on your behalf. Please give your permission slip to that person to take with them to the elections.

I hope this makes sense and that we have a good turn-out of voters to give the fairest representation of the views of the club. Good luck to the candidates! And to the Club in finding some more candidates!

Dan xx
by Martin P - Thu 18th May 2006, 10:58pm
The two remaining manifestos are up.