First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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First and Third Trinity

Racing News

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3rd Nov '01Emma Sprintsby jwe
Three men's novice VIIIs are racing the Emma Sprints today. Results to follow... (2 replies...)
1st Nov '01Uni IVs semi-finalsby mcp
In a good race, the men's 2nd IV, our final hope for a win in the Uni IVs, have lost to Christ's in the semis by 6 seconds. More information will follow.
31st Oct '01University IVs, Day 3by mcp
The 2nd men were beaten by LMBC II in the Autumn Head, so had to fight hard to win their place in the Semi Finals tomorrow.
Our Uni IVs results page has descriptions of some of the races so far for those who are interested - thank you to everyone who has written one.
Sadly the women are now out of the IVs altogether, after their 2nd IV (incl. a couple of subs) lost to Catz 4.
30th Oct '01University IVs, Day 2by mcp
The men's 1st IV had a superb row this afternoon, attacking the favourites, Christ's, and loosing by just 3 seconds. Well done guys! Something of an improvement over the 40 seconds deficit at the weekend....!?
The 2nd men's IV and the Coxless IV also cruised comfortably through the day's races, beating Tit Hall II and Jesus respectively. More details to follow.... (3 replies...)
30th Oct '01University IVs, Day 1by mcp
Four of the club's six senior IVs were due to race on Monday, but two went straight through to the 2nd round when their opposition scratched.
Meanwhile, the 1st women's IV cruised through their first round against Magdalene, winning comfortably by 3 lengths, but sadly came up against the powerful Peterhouse in their 2nd round, and the men's 3rd coxed IV met Catz II, and both crews have been knocked out.
Official CUCBC Uni IVs page
Our Uni IVs results
Pictures - currently 4 of the women vs Magdalene

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