First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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Interesting or entertaining web pages, as recommended by members!!

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the law of the playground your mum, Fri 1st Feb, 2:08pm
Search an alphabetical list of playground insults. Some of these are inspired - there's got to be some T-shirt ideas in there somewhere... (1 comment...)
Gill and Vashka Dan Walker, Wed 30th Jan, 5:43am
Mad. Check out the photo report on the Trinity boys... (2 comments...)
English Grammer (sic) World Pedant, Fri 25th Jan, 6:39pm
Hilarious for no other reason that the fact that they have spelt 'Grammar' incorrectly all over the place.
The LMBC website
http://www.lmbc.netfrom mjb, Fri 25th Jan, 1:47pm
Laugh at the Maggie Scum.
Edit their Message Boards. (3 comments...)
Just a Tip
http://www.justatip.comfrom dw, Fri 25th Jan, 9:52am
Highly amusing. What mischief can we get up to now...... (1 comment...)

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