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12th Sep '07Email problemsby bjg
If you've tried to send emails via since 6 September then you'll have noticed that they've been bounced back to you. This should now be fixed, so let me know if you have any problems.
28th Mar '07Website downtimeby mcp
Just to let people know that we might be taking the site down for a few hours tonight to do some maintenance. May not be necessary, not sure yet.

Something (as yet unknown) is causing the site to run a bit slowly - due to the web server getting stuck trying to respond to a number of requests and thus gobbling up all available memory and CPU etc. (9 replies...)
23rd Apr '07Adding photos to galleryby bjg
The gallery had stopped accepting pictures, not sure why yet, but maybe due to recent software upgrades. In particular, the broken function was the one that enabled you to upload zip files, so I've temporarily disabled that while I look into the problem. This means that you should now be able to add jpegs as before. (2 replies...)
20th Mar '07Michell Cup pointsby bjg
Results pages for Lent and May bumps now include a bottom of page summary of Michell Cup points earnt in that competition. This will probably be more useful for calculating points earnt in the future than looking at those earnt in the past, but they're there anyway!

I've just had to make a couple of tweaks to deal with the (pointless for this purpose) years without women and/or bumps charts. If anything else appears to be broken, please let me know!
5th Mar '07News and Announcementsby bjg
Apologies for the temporary absence of the News and Announcements section - I couldn't think why it looked so empty... There's an important item up now!

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