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The starting cannons from JPD, Fri 2nd Mar, 11:34am
Jon Davies has created a video of the starting cannons being fired - like you've never seen them before. Awesome. (2 comments...)
CUBC to enter the eights head Simon, Fri 2nd Mar, 10:29am
One rowing headline away from the Cam this week is CUBC's decision to enter the eights head which this year is the weekend before the Boat Race.
An interesting approach to tapering, but maybe JPD can comment on whether in previous years (CUBC have held their penultimate week camp in Nottingham for the past 15 years) the crews have spent the weekend before doing a 5k on the Trent.
My guess is that this may have been linked to the cutting of funding to triallists who refused to join the GB squad for winter training in Reading. Maybe this is an attempt to point out to GB Rowing that they're just as good as Leander.
Another thought is that last year's wash up suggested they couldn't cope with either the Tideway itself or the pressure of a busy race day. (3 comments...)
W1 bump Emma Neil Copland, Wed 28th Feb, 10:12pm
Video taken on my camera from grassy. (1 comment...)
Something to keep BPBC off the streets? Simon, Thu 1st Feb, 11:54pm
Might clash with the Mays though...
Google search Bryn, Thu 11th Jan, 7:13pm
Type 'french military victories' and click 'I'm feeling lucky'. (This courtesy of Sam Lings.) (1 comment...)

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