First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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Interesting or entertaining web pages, as recommended by members!!

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Cat bowling Simon, Wed 2nd Nov, 11:29am
Halloween related bowling game...
On the Moon TallJenna, Sat 22nd Oct, 9:37pm
Hmmm....hope i'm not the only one to find this series pretty hilarious....if you liked the Kenya song and all the badger stuff, you might just get it! This link's to the first episode but there are two more, if you're not confused enough yet.....
Haptic clothing RTT, Fri 30th Sep, 8:29am
LBCs, are you reading this?
A crew races at a head race Simon, Sat 24th Sep, 12:18am
Great ejector crab photos, interesting captions, and another race to add to the list of those we should try - makes Grassy look easy
Google Print search Simon, Thu 22nd Sep, 8:58am
Searching for First and Third throws up too many results...

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