First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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Bop Requests by jpd - Mon 22nd Nov 2004, 3:25am
No S Club Juniors please. (18 replies...)
T-Shirts by Becca - Sun 31st Oct 2004, 1:09pm
This is primarily for the benefit of Tom and John, and relates to a conversation about t-shirt slogans that we had several yrs ago...:
I'm currently rowing with a girl from Oriel. They did come up with the t-shirt slogan: 'L'Oriel, because we're worth it'
ARA library by Simon - Fri 27th Aug 2004, 12:31am
The ARA has copies of old British Rowing Almanacks available for people to look at in Hammersmith. Some of the older ones (e.g. early 1900s) have detailed descriptions of races at Henley and on the Cam involving Trinity boats. If anyone in the club is keen enough to come and look through these and get information (e.g. for this website) then let me know and I shall try to arrange something.
strokesider (female) for S4 eight by Sarah - Thu 5th Aug 2004, 12:12pm

I'm currently coaching and coxing the Mortlake intermediate squad. We are going to Stourport Regatta this weekend, but one of the girls is ill so won't be able to come.
the main problem is the eight - on saturday we have a straight final (non-qualifying) at 3.50pm
so is there ANYBODY out there that knows a female with less than 4 points who could help us out?
we could probably manage if you are a bowsider as we have someone who can swap.
Stourport is just south of Birmingham, we could probably pick up someone anywhere en route from SW london

please email me asap if you can help? (3 replies...)
2nd VIII clip by ipe - Wed 30th Jun 2004, 2:23pm
I've put up a video clip of the 2nd Men's VIII doing a practice start, taken by Chris Stone during the May bumps.

It's a 7.3mb mpg file, here (1 replies...)

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