First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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Interesting or entertaining web pages, as recommended by members!!

Message board > Web Links 337 to 341 of 374
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A Tribe of Toffs gf, Thu 28th Feb, 2:01pm
As it's the pseudonym source of the moment... (6 comments...)
They Fight Crime! Mike, Wed 27th Feb, 4:02pm
He's a suicidal one-eyed romance novelist who knows the secret of the alien invasion. She's a man-hating winged politician with only herself to blame. They fight crime!
Hobbit name generator Mungo Gamgee-Took of Bywater, Wed 27th Feb, 1:59pm
Does exactly what it says on the tin... (1 comment...)
Is your computer too slow? jmg, Wed 20th Feb, 8:58am
Satire Wire
http://www.satirewire.comfrom ipe, Thu 14th Feb, 4:40am
It's keeping me amused at 4:30 in the morning.

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