First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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General discussion about anything even only vaguely club or rowing related

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North Pole Challenge by Amelia - Fri 18th Sep 2009, 5:24pm
Dan and I are planning an unsupported expedition to the geographic North Pole in spring 2010. If you are interested, check out our website North Pole Challenge.
Atlantic row by Pedro - Sat 15th Aug 2009, 6:48pm
In January 2010 I'm going to follow in Dan and Rich's 'footsteps' and row across the Atlantic. I've set up a website called One Million Strokes (it's just over 3000 miles!) at , it's still a work in progress. Take a look if you have a minute. Thanks!
Rowing aid on BBC's Dragon's Den by Mark - Wed 29th Jul 2009, 8:42pm
An interesting GCSE D&T concept from a student and rower on Dragon's Den tonight:

Two plastic/rubber blocks that surround the handle, one for each hand, that prevent wear to the hands and blister formation "without interfering with rowing technique".

Will post a BBC iPlayer link when available. (2 replies...)
Seb Swings Stalin the Swan by Jij - Fri 29th May 2009, 9:29am
A friend of mine stumbled across this recent article here.

Read carefully for the name of the assailant.

It seems that's 'Sebastian P' 1-0 'Stalin' the Swan.
Rowing at Oxford by Liz - Wed 11th Mar 2009, 2:29pm
So this is what college boat clubs at Oxford do... (4 replies...)

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