The Club's Results

Mich Term 2019

1st men's VIII

Cambridge Autumn Head (College Men's VIIIs)

2nd overall, 2nd fastest college VIII
Time: 9:27.4
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Cambridge Winter Head (BR S2)

Fastest College VIII, 1st in BR S2, 5th Overall
Time: 8:36.6
Our main goal of the day was achieved: we managed to press the start button on the timer without crashing into the bank. The stop button remained elusive however - but we have Fairbairns for this.
Aside from this, the rowing was decent; unfortunately considerable leg drive was missed - we can also sort this for Fairbairns.
(W.J. Hardy)
We raced twice: first in the BR S2 division in which we recorded our fastest time (8:36.6 -> 5th fastest overall, 1st in BR S2 div) and then again in the Student C1 category with the other colleges (8:47.2 -> 5th in stu C1 div, slight headwind according to Bomber). 

First race was attacked well but hampered by having to overtake UofEA round the outside of Ditton. Second race also attacked well but maybe left a bit too much aside in the middle section, overtake of the crew in front happened on plough reach so no excuses here.

Our first time won us the BR S2 division and also gave us the fastest time by a college on the day, giving us both a real and moral victory, sad that we could have won two hip flasks if we'd raced it the other way round but oh well. A good result pre-Fairbairns with plenty more to come...
(H.J. Hampson)
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Cambridge Winter Head (Student Senior VIIIs)

Time: 8:47
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Fairbairn Cup (Senior VIIIs)

Fastest Men's VIII
Time: 14:32
Maelle-Marie absolutely nailed it.
And we won Fairbairns.

(W.J. Hardy)
I’ve been really impressed with the commitment and focus of this crew through the term, and the hard work they’ve put in has certainly paid off. Really well put together race, with a quick start meaning at the halfway mark they were already 3s up on the next best in the field. The real damage was done in the second half of the race, when the training put in through the term paid off. The crew were able to maintain a very consistent speed for the first 3.5k of the course, and stepped on through the corners with a fast finish down first post reach. They ended up 10s ahead of the next fastest college crew, and 8s ahead of Granta*. Fantastic end to the term and bodes well for training camp and Lent to come! 

Dub season is upon us.

*Granta were obstructed by a barge, costing them ~7.9s
(P. Robinson)
Unlike the Royal Mail, the boys always deliver (Jedge)
Aaaaand that’s a wrap.  (Forbes)
The first FaT victory in this race for 11 years and the first Cambridge college to win it for 6 years. 

Culmination of a well-structured and committed term: we went out hard and managed to hold on for the course. A great crew who I can't wait to row with again in Lent - subject to them fighting for their seats! 

(H.J. Hampson)
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