The Club's Results

Queens' Novice Ergo Competition, Mich Term 2017

2nd men's novice VIII (1st division)

2nd men's novice VIII
bow Unknown 2 Unknown
3 Sean Seet 4 David Ehrlich
5 Peter Withers 6 Thomas Graff
7 Kiran Jolly str Marvin Teichmann

Coxed by: Jade Lam

7th in Heat
Time: 1:46.6
With many of the original NM2 unable to make the event, many a keen NM3/4 were drafted in, Theo even barely the hour before!First division of the day, we started with a technical failure on the Queens systems. But soon the ergs were back on line and we started again - Marvin, intially to row first, was able to recover and finish off our race. And boy did we race - a massive well done to all.
(C.S.L. Tang)