The Club's Results

Fairbairn Cup - IVs 2002

A 3200m timed head race on the Cam for College IVs
Fri 6th December

The official results published by the organisers, Jesus College Boat Club, can be found here. At the bottom of this page there is a summary of the results of college crews and a link to Cambridge weather. Club members, please go here to add (or correct) results, crews or race reports.

BPBC 1st men's IV

19th of 24 men's fours
Time: 13:32
Quite possibly this was the worst IV in which I have ever raced! With most crew members not having rowed seriously for up to three years, we were not expecting much. Thankfully, the ratemeter failed to work which gave us leave to sit at a comfortable 26-28 (I guess) for most of the race. We were overtaken by Cantabs outside the Simoco boathouse, in a little under four strokes. They went on to win. We went on to catch a dire Wolfson IV towards the end of the reach. A fantastic push out of Ditton saw us row through them in the dying seconds of the race. Had we rowed like that all the way through, I expect we'd have merely come 10th. Instead we came 19th, beating amongst others the Pembroke IV containing Mr. Breffit. (Rose the Twat)
Somewhat surprisingly, we were quicker than all of the women's IVs - so it could easily have been worse. (Graham Fisher)
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1st women's IV

1. Rowing past Emma BH

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<h3><a name="selectedresults">Selected Results</a></h3><h4>Men's IVs</h4><p><pre>Place Crew Time 1 Cantabrigian 1 11:39 2 Magdalene 1 12:01 3 Emmanuel 1 12:03 4 St. Catharine's 1 12:19 5 Corpus 1 12:23 6 Wolfson 1 12:30 7 Jesus 1 12:35 8 Queens' 1 12:38 9 Cantabrigian 2 12:39 10 King's 1 12:39 11 Trinity Hall 1 12:44 12 University College (Ox) 13:02 13 Emmanuel 2 13:05 14 Sidney Sussex 1 13:09 15 St. Catharine's 2 13:11 16 Jesus 2 13:18 17 Churchill 1 13:24 18 Magdalene 2 13:28 <b>19 Black Prince 1 13:32</b> 20 Trinity Hall 2 14:08 21 Pembroke 1 14:24 22 Emmanuel 3 14:30 23 Wolfson 2 14:44 24 Corpus 2 15:53</pre></p><h4>Women's IVs</h4><p><pre>Place Crew Time 1 Jesus 1 14:00 2 Peterhouse 1 14:07 3 Magdalene 1 14:21 4 Downing 1 14:23 5 Trinity Hall 1 14:25 6 Sidney Sussex 1 14:35 7 Emmanuel 1 14:49 8 King's 1 14:51 9 Jesus 2 14:54 <b>10 1&amp;3 1 14:54</b> 11 Churchill 1 14:55 12 Downing 3 14:57 13 Downing 2 15:00 14 Emmanuel 2 15:03 15 Fitzwilliam 1 15:04 16 Robinson 1 15:22 17 Magdalene 2 15:43 18 Peterhouse 2 16:42 19 St. Edmund's 1 16:47 20 Lucy Cavendish 1 18:34</pre></p><div align="right"><font size="-1"><a href="#top">^ top</a></font></div><hr>
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