The Club's Results

Newnham Short Course, Lent Term 2002

A timed head race from the Little Bridge to the Railings (approx 1600m)
Sat 2nd February

The official results published by the organisers, Newnham College Boat Club, can be found here. At the bottom of this page there is a summary of the results of college crews and a link to Cambridge weather. Club members, please go here to add (or correct) results, crews or race reports.

M3 crew, 3rd division

3rd M3 crew
Time: 7:03
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W2 crew, 2nd division

4th lower women's crew
Time: 8:03
In the red flag conditions the crew coped admirably with the wind. Coming fourth overall and losing only to LMBC II, Emma II and Christs II this was a great result for the first race of term. (Sally)

1. Becs and Caroline ATBH
2. Under the Motorway b...
3. Through the start

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M4 crew, 4th division

Slowest equal finisher
Time: 9:15
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<h3><a name="selectedresults">Selected Results</a></h3><h4>Lower (3rd division and lower) mens' crews</h4><p><pre>9 LMBC M3 6:36 10 Christs M3 6:39 13 1st &amp; 3rd M3 7:03 15 Emma M3 7:09 16 LMBC M4 7:16 17 Sidney Sussex M3 7:22 18 Christs M4 7:37 20 Clare M3 7:53 22 Sidney Sussex M4 8:20 23 1st &amp; 3rd M4 9:15 24 Sidney Sussex M5 9:15 27 Magdalene M3 Did not start 28 Pembroke M3 Did not start 29 LMBC M5 Did not start</pre></p><h4>Lower (2nd division and lower) womens' crews</h4><p><pre>42 LMBC W2 7:37 46 Emmanuel W2 7:50 47 Christs W2 7:55 48 1st &amp; 3rd W2 8:03 49 Newnham W2 8:05 50 Trinity Hall W2 8:14 51 Caius W3 8:26 53 Magdalene W2 9:00 54 Selwyn W2 9:01 55 Catz W2 9:10 56 CCAT W2 9:11 57 Clare W2 9:47 59 Girton W2 Did not start 60 Jesus W2 Did not start 61 Pembroke W2 Did not start 62 Catz W3 Did not start 63 Clare W3 Did not start 64 Girton W3 Did not start 65 LMBC W3 Did not start</pre></p><div align="right"><font size="-1"><a href="#top">^ top</a></font></div><hr>
Cambridge weather: text

1. Cars in the river at...
2. Amelia and Becs