The Club's Results
Cambridge Winter Head, Mich Term 1999
A 2600m timed headrace on the Cam
Sat 13th November
At the bottom of this page there is a link to Cambridge weather. Club members, please go here to add (or correct) results, crews or race reports.
1st women's VIII
1. 1st women racing
2. 1st Women racing 3. 1st Women racing [more...] |
1st men's VIII, Senior VIIIs
4th overall, fastest Cambridge College VIII
Time: 9:01
Time: 9:01
It's always the Captain who catches the crabs and this, our first race in the VIII of the year, produced the first crab of my rowing career! Well, two in fact - overhead monsters 2 or 3 strokes beyond the start line. How embarrassing. The race itself was pretty sweet. We sat at 34 solidly - moving well and raising it well for the end, utterly storming past the P&E. Felt good.
The best bit of the day without doubt was bumping into Martin in the cloisters just after he'd got the results, and realising that we'd beaten all the other colleges... a real high.
The race had been solid - well, except for Martin's double crab at the outfall which gave Soph and I the giggles for a couple of seconds.
The race had been solid - well, except for Martin's double crab at the outfall which gave Soph and I the giggles for a couple of seconds.
1. 1st VIII chatting
2. 1st VIII racing 3. 1st VIII still racing [more...] |
2nd men's VIII, Senior VIIIs
44th men's VIII
Time: 10:00
Time: 10:00
The second VIII's time was slow - rather to be expected given the complete inexperience of some in the crew. I was v. confident they would soon be going a lot faster.
1st men's novice VIII, Novice VIIIs
129th men's VIII
Time: 11:58
Time: 11:58
The weekend's results were the first definite indication that things were not well in the novice VIIIs - our first novices came in 1 min 20 down on Maggie, being beaten by 8 of the 10 1st novice VIIIs and Maggie II.
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