The Club's Results

Lent Term 1999

4th men's VIII

Pembroke Regatta (4th division), A more refined crew from a more refined generation

Rowed in the qualifying
Can't remember how we did, but 'twas a great warm-up for the bumps, and if you ever bump into Dirk, get him to sing "as I was walking down the street, I saw a house on fire" (Anything to do with being short)
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Lent Bumps Getting-on Race, A more refined crew from a more refined generation

Spacked down the river, but qualified anyway (Anything to do with being short)
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Lent Bumps, A more refined crew from a more refined generation

7th in division 4
Up 4 - Bumped Churchill III, Trinity Hall III, Clare III and Chrst's III
Bumped Churchill III
Spannered down the river faster than Churchill III (Anything to do with being short)
Bumped Trinity Hall III
Caterpillared down the river faster than Trinity Hall III (Anything to do with being short)
Bumped Clare III
A better row, but not fantastic by any means: still managed to bump. (Anything to do with being short)
Bumped Chrst's III

1. In First Post Reach
2. From the Motorway Br...
3. Approaching First Po...

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