The Club's Crews

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Name Tina Morrell,
Noviced in

1. Glassy water vs. Rob...
2. Laughing at Jon
3. Pushing for the finish

Rowing Career

According to our records, Tina Morrell has rowed in 4 events with First & Third (or BPBC) at a highest level of 1st women's novice VIII and most recently on 29 Nov 2001.

Official crews and main results

2001 - 2002
Mich Term 1st women's novice VIII at 3
  Novice Fairbairn Cup: 11:48   5th women's novice VIII

Full results record

2001 - 2002

Queens' Novice Ergo Competition (1st division): 15:13.9   3rd of 24 1st women's novice VIIIs (1st women's novice VIII at 3)
Cambridge Winter Head: 12:35   5th of 7 1st women's novice VIII (1st women's novice VIII, str rigged at 4)
Clare Novice Regatta (1st division): Raced 4 rounds: Lost to LMBC (3 - 4 lengths) in the semi finals (1st women's novice VIII at 3)
Novice Fairbairn Cup: 11:48   5th women's novice VIII (1st women's novice VIII at 3)

Number of events: 4
Total number of races: 7