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Message board > General Discussion > Robbie Williams fan club 

Robbie Williams fan club by Martin P - Wed 24th May 2006, 1:13pm
Does anyone know anyone who is a member of the Robbie Williams Fan Club? This is a serious request. Apparently there is an annual fee to join. Members can buy priority tickets to concerts and a friend (honest) is wanting tickets for a concert in Sydney (which go on sale on the 6th June)......

I appreciate this looks really odd, but genuine offers of assistance would be appreciated! Anyone?
by Martin P - Thu 25th May 2006, 12:50pm
Martin P said: Does anyone know anyone who is a member of the Robbie Williams Fan Club? This is a serious request. Apparently there is an annual fee to join. Members can buy priority tickets to concerts and a friend (honest) is wanting tickets for a concert in Sydney (which go on sale on the 6th June)......

I appreciate this looks really odd, but genuine offers of assistance would be appreciated! Anyone?
This fell off the front page radar pretty quick, so I'm posting again, sorry to all those who saw it first time! If you know anyone who is in the Robbie Williams Fan Club and thus has priority access to concert tickets can you please drop me a line?

All those planning on travelling to Australia next Christmas and hoping to see cricket have a vested interest in coming up with something on this!