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Message board > General Discussion > Pedro at sea 

Pedro at sea by Emma - Sun 17th Jan 2010, 9:52am
Hi all,

For anyone who would like to follow Pedro's progress in his Atlantic crossing, the website is After five days at sea the crew are coping well and making good progress of 60-70nm a day.

The daily blog is updated usually around 7pm - although unfortunately for avid blob-watchers the satellite tracker only updates sporadically about twice a day. Any messages left on the site will be relayed to the team and are really appreciated by the guys.

by Emma - Thu 4th Mar 2010, 11:58am
Hi again everyone,

Pedro is now into the last week of the challenge and has been at sea for fifty days since setting out from Morocco in January.

If anyone would like to keep spirits high onboard for their last 500 mile run to Barbados you can text Pedro jokes, news, riddles, maths problems etc for free by going to and entering their satellite phone number 881631667053. These little updates from the real world are very much appreciated by the crew.

If you're feeling inspired you can also read daily blogs and donate to East Anglia's Children's Hospices via the website


Emma x
by Emma - Thu 11th Mar 2010, 11:46pm
Pedro arrived in Barbados last night at about 11.05 after 58 days and 20 hours at sea. Photos to follow on his website. xx