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Message board > General Discussion > The Justice 

The Justice by the webmaster - Tue 5th Feb 2002, 2:40pm
Mr Glass, Mr Talbott and I have almost finished the minutes from December's Justice meeting; publication is imminent.

However, I've been vaguely rooting around for various other bits of Justice info to publish at the same time; e.g. I have got emails sent during its creation and minutes from the 1st meeting etc. I even found the proposed logo.

Am I right in thinking there have been 3 meetings? If so, were there ever any minutes or a record of the 2nd one, in December 2000? If anyone finds such things loitering in their inbox, I would like to include them. Although I was absent, I gather that Fisher, G. and Ingram, G. were the Law Lords....
by absent - Wed 6th Feb 2002, 12:47pm
... sounds like there is no record then, ok. Not worth trying to reconstruct one - for some reason the most memorable bit seems to have been Miss Taylor being tied to a chair...
by Freud - Wed 6th Feb 2002, 12:55pm
absent said: ... sounds like there is no record then, ok. Not worth trying to reconstruct one - for some reason the most memorable bit seems to have been Miss Taylor being tied to a chair...
Are you sure that you didn't just dream that, Martin?
by mcp - Wed 6th Feb 2002, 1:24pm
Fortunately, having been absent, I have no recollection of the spectacle whatsoever. It was Miss North who seemed to remember it most vividly....
by Miss North - Wed 6th Feb 2002, 6:33pm
Well Sarah and I are very close ;-)
Neil should be one of the justices at the next meeting, as I've just been reading a case in which Talbot J (I know its spelt differently) ruled.