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Crosswords and other puzzles

For discussion of all forms of mental gymnastics, especially that baffling final clue

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by I've never bothered to call in, but... - Wed 14th Mar 2007, 8:22pm
Simon said: Bear in mind that at one stage during the broadcast this would have earnt you £30k:
That's if you managed to get through. I heard somewhere that at busy times, the chance of a caller getting through could be as high as 10,000:1.
by even better.. - Wed 14th Mar 2007, 8:08pm
Really stretching the numbers to fit the answer said: then write down further figures with the leading digits removed: 0p, 5p, 47p, 6p, 0p (total 58p)
then again write down further figures with another leading digit removed: 0p, 0p, 7p, 0p, 0p (total 7p)
What I really don't get is the justification of this bit..? surely '16' is '16' not '16+6'? I can kind of accept the rest of it..
the 'official' answer (according to the Telegraph) seems even weirder:

"Two pounds is 200p plus 2p (two p) [no further justiication given] and 1p (at the beginning of 'pounds') makes 203p

25p: 25p plus 5p and 1p (the 'p' in the question) = 31p

£1.47 = 147p

16p: 16p plus 6p and 1p = 23p

Fifty pence: 50p plus 50p (fifty p, a shortening of pence), 1p (reference to pence) and 1p (from the 'p') = 102p

203+31+147+23+102 = 506
by Simon - Wed 14th Mar 2007, 8:00pm
Really stretching the numbers to fit the answer said: A convoluted way of looking at it
Wll done Richard - that's about it. ITV have now published the official result. Bear in mind that at one stage during the broadcast this would have earnt you £30k:
ITV explained that the answer could be reached by breaking up the figures in the list to find all the references to pence. Thus:

-Two pounds is 200p plus 2p (two p) and 1p (p at the beginning of 'pounds') which makes 203p

-25p: 25p plus 5p and 1p (the p symbol) = 31p £1.47 = 147p

-6p: 16p plus 6p and 1p (p again) = 23p

-Fifty pence: 50p plus 50p (fifty p, a shortening of pence), 1p (reference to pence) and 1p (p only) = 102p

-Adding 203p, 31p, 147p, 23p and 102p gives a total of 506p
by Really stretching the numbers to fit the answer - Wed 14th Mar 2007, 7:23pm
Simon said: As this is crosswords and other puzzles, here's one from ITVPlay, currently subject to inevstigation by Ofcom:
A graphic asked viewers to "Add the pence" from "Two pounds, 25p, £1.47, 16p, Fifty pence".
More than three hours later, the host announced the answer was 506 and that no-one had won. No method was given. ITV has denied the problem was particularly complex but has not commented further.
A convoluted way of looking at it


write them in pence: 200p, 25p, 147p, 16p, 50p (total 438p)
then write down further figures with the leading digits removed: 0p, 5p, 47p, 6p, 0p (total 58p)
then again write down further figures with another leading digit removed: 0p, 0p, 7p, 0p, 0p (total 7p)

The sum of these three subtotals = 503p

Now look back at the question. Add the pence:

Two pounds, 25p, £1.47, 16p. 50pence

There are 3 p or pence listed. Add this to the toal that we already had.

506p - simple.
by Does this make me a genius? - Mon 12th Mar 2007, 9:26pm
The Times Online said: ..a puzzle intended for an early-hours viewing audience of drunks and poor sleepers...
... A reader of The Times said [about the show] ...
Good to see the Times has so much respect for its readership!

As for how you get to 506..
Add two pounds worth of old money (2 * 20 shillings/pounds * 12 pence/shilling) to the other numbers in pence = 718
Subtract the 75p you spent calling in your answer = 643
This leaves you £1.37, which is taken into account by the 40.77 minutes you spent complaining to ITVPlay, or the 19.57 minutes complaining to OFCOM = 506p. Obvious.

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