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Message board > Members' Opinion Polls > Members' poll: How should future headships be celebrated? 

How should future headships be celebrated?
News from upriver suggests that boat burnings are not always safe. In these eco-aware times, what about the carbon footprint of a burnt boat? And the lack of wooden boats to burn?
Find a wooden boat, even if it means buying a skiff, and burn it  57%
Build a wooden boat and burn it  26%
Give an old boat to an underfunded school rowing club (cf Magdalen Oxford when they went head of Eights in 04, for the first time in decades)  17%
Give money to a FISA project to set up rowing in a small country (on condition that any boats bought are called Black Prince)  9%
Hold some sort of lantern festival with lanterns on boats floating along the backs, timed so that they launch mini fireworks displays as they go past the Wren  4%
Hold a ball on the Monday after bumps  48%
Make all boat club activity carbon neutral  13%
Total: 23 members' votes
by Sam Z - Tue 17th Jun 2008, 7:53am
How about something more Viking-esque? Set the boat on fire (preferably with the bodies of vanquished foes aboard) and set it adrift on the Cam. Should strike fear into the hearts of our enemies... ;)
by dw229 - Wed 18th Jun 2008, 7:47pm
Option 3 sounds like a great way to encourage rowing 6th formers to apply to Trinity...