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Members' Opinion Polls

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Which of these Winter Olympic sports is your favourite?
To do or to watch, it's up to you.
Ice Dancing  22%
Luge  19%
Downhill (skiing)  32%
Skeleton  5%
Slalom (skiing)  5%
Super-G (skiing)  3%
Ski Jumping  5%
Curling  8%
Total: 37 members' votes   (26 comments...)
What next?
Rich and Dan have rowed across the Atlantic and are surely deserving a well-earned break. But once they've rested and feel like doing something extreme again, which of these events or teams should they compete in/for?
Primal Quest  9%
Arctic Team Challenge  9%
Yukon Quest  9%
Global Challenge  0%
Gumball 3000  4%
Great Britain rowing squad at Beijing 2008  13%
Trinity Bruces  57%
Total: 23 members' votes   (9 comments...)
Are you a giver or a taker?
As requested a couple of weeks ago in the Deal or No Deal poll.
Giver  77%
Taker  23%
Total: 26 members' votes
What is your greatest fear when rowing on the Thames?
I believe all of these have been encountered by FaT / CU members at some point (with the possible exception of the CowboyNeal option). Which one gives you most nightmares?
Snapped rudder strings  13%
The Harbour Master  0%
The Black Buoy  13%
Fulham Flats  17%
Gastroenteritis  13%
Sofas  9%
Acer Nethercott  0%
Donald Legget  26%
Whales  9%
Total: 23 members' votes   (5 comments...)
When should we schedule the pre-Boat Race pub crawl?
Recent years have seen members of First & Third and Black Prince tour the 10 pubs that overlook the Championship course on one of the days before the Boat Race. There are several possible dates for this in 2006, each with pros and cons. Which should go in the diary?
Saturday 25 March (pro: day of the men's 8s Head so more people than usual in London, with some working up a thirst. Race is at 11:30 so enough drinking time afterwards - just. And no work tomorrow. Con: Lots of other rowers getting in the way)  14%
Sunday 26 March (pro: nothing else going on that day. Con: work the next day, plus will people still be in SW London after watching the race yesterday?)  23%
Saturday 1 April (pro: eve of Boat Race, lie-in tomorrow. Con: clashes with Henley races - Henley lacks sufficient pubs to replicate crawl.)  45%
Sunday 2 April (pro: day of boat race, so lots of people there. Race is late afternoon so could be a crawl with Race in the middle, and bonus pints at the boat club bars. Con: lots of people in SW London. Work the next day.)  18%
Total: 22 members' votes   (2 comments...)
Deal or No Deal
Deal  7%
No deal  26%
I calcuate (total prize fund left / boxes remaining) while Edmonds is talking to the bank and if it's lower than the offer then it's Deal  22%
I have no idea what you're talking about  44%
Total: 27 members' votes   (10 comments...)
First and Third 2005 Fashion Awards
Vote for your top three fashion innovations of 2005
Coxing t-shirt from Boston  16%
Amelia's blue and gold headband  12%
Novice hoodies  20%
Awful novice t-shirt  4%
CULRC's new kit  20%
Rich and Dan's free and easy clothing policy - water obscuring lower bodies, luckily  16%
First & Third's golf style  12%
3rd May VIII reinvent the '3rd boat wears yellow' tradition from the mid 1990s  60%
4th May VIII's 'classic' look  12%
Magnus' personal style  12%
Dilini's personal style  4%
Matching club underwear  16%
Andrew's personal style  4%
FaT Duck, the fastest duck on the Cam  12%
1st Lent VIII's stripes  40%
'Towpath mud' look  24%
Total: 25 members' votes   (3 comments...)
New Year's Resolutions
train more  66%
train less  16%
win blades  31%
qualify for/row at Henley  19%
beat Oxford  6%
take a break from rowing  22%
take up rowing again  19%
do all the stretches my physio tells me to do  25%
row (across/on) the English Channel  19%
wash my kit  56%
spend less time on this website  34%
spend more time on this website  19%
get on a Boat Club committee  9%
stomp  56%
get a (new) job  34%
buft  31%
win the fancy dress prize at Cardinals  3%
drink more (alcohol)  16%
drink less (alcohol)  34%
get more blue and gold clothes  31%
trial for GB/CU  9%
not make any resolutions  16%
Total: 32 members' votes   (2 comments...)
Which of these did you eat/drink on Christmas Day?
This isn't ordinary Christmas food; this is First and Third Christmas food...
Smoked salmon & scrambled egg  8%
(Home cooked) ham  28%
Full English fry-up  3%
Bucks Fizz  18%
Champagne/Cava/similar  46%
Alcohol before 11am local time (does not include Communion)  36%
Crisps  44%
Some sort of chocolate snack/bar  64%
Shortbread  8%
Turkey  72%
Gammon  0%
Game  0%
Duck  5%
Goose  5%
Vegetarian alternative  8%
A non-poultry alternative (let us know below)  10%
Sausagemeat  56%
Potatoes  92%
Sprouts  62%
Parsnips  49%
Carotts  77%
Peas  33%
Yorkshire Puds  15%
Other vegetables  51%
Stuffing  72%
Bread Sauce  31%
Cranberry sauce  54%
Gravy  92%
Some sort of BBQ or similar because you're in the Southern hemisphere  5%
Red wine  59%
White wine  67%
Port  18%
Brandy  13%
Whisky  13%
Other spirit  33%
Mince pie  46%
Christmas Pudding  49%
The coin from the Christmas Pudding  0%
Other pudding  49%
Cream  36%
Ice cream  15%
Brandy Butter  31%
Sugar  28%
Cold turkey (e.g. in sandwich)  18%
Other sandwich  3%
Cup of tea  49%
Bubble & Squeak  0%
Second helpings of any of the above  79%
Any of the above repeated at seperate meals or doubling up as a snack  49%
Tree decorations  18%
Chestnuts (open fire optional)  10%
Riveta  3%
Water  82%
None of the above  3%
Total: 39 members' votes   (3 comments...)
Who fills your stocking; Father Christmas, or Santa Claus?
What do you reckon the guy in red with the white beard and the reindeer and the sleigh who comes down the chimney and eats the mince pies and sherry is called?
Father Christmas  69%
Santa Claus  14%
My parents  17%
Total: 36 members' votes
Rich and Dan
Now they're off, you can be honest. They're:
Barking  77%
Brave  74%
Brilliant  74%
Total: 31 members' votes   (5 comments...)
After how much rowing would you have classified yourself a boatie rather than just a rower?
Are you in a boatie relationship? Do you spend more than two hours a day at the boathouse? Have you ever worn lycra for anything except rowing? Are more than fifty percent of your friends rowers? Do you arrive (late) at lectures in your splashtop? Come to think of it, do you miss most of your lectures/supervisions because you're still at the boathouse? If the answer to more than two of these questions is yes, you are a boatie. But how long did it take for this addiction to creep up on you?
I was a boatie before I arrived at Trinity  6%
They got me at the Chaplains Squash and it's been downhill ever since  26%
As soon as I'd been tubbing  2%
By midway through my novice term  30%
After I'd done Clare Novices  0%
After novice Fairbairns  2%
Once I'd experienced my first Bumps  21%
Once I'd experienced Bumps, in the warm sunshine, with Pimms afterwards  4%
Me, a boatie?! I don't think so!  9%
Total: 47 members' votes   (8 comments...)
Do different pasta shapes taste different?
Macaroni goes with a cheesy sauce. Fusilli goes with a tomatoey sauce. Spaghetti was invented to go with bolognese, and you can't have cannelloni without spinach and ricotta. All of these shapes have their merits, but do they actually taste different from one another?
Yes  57%
No  43%
Total: 42 members' votes   (19 comments...)
Which club will do best in the Clare Novice Regatta?
Based on
Rounds Won divided by Crews Entered
First and Third Trinity BC  51%
Caius BC  0%
Christ's College BC  3%
Churchill College BC  0%
Clare BC  0%
Clare Hall BC  0%
Corpus Christi College BC  0%
Darwin College BC  0%
Downing College BC  0%
Emmanuel College BC  0%
Fitzwilliam College BC  3%
Girton College BC  0%
Homerton College BC  0%
Hughes Hall BC  3%
Jesus College BC  3%
King's College BC  0%
LMBC  15%
Lucy Cavendish BC  0%
Magdalene BC  0%
New Hall BC  3%
Newnham College BC  0%
Pembroke College BC  0%
Peterhouse BC  3%
Queens' College BC  0%
Robinson College BC  0%
St Catharine's College BC  0%
St Edmund's College BC  0%
Selwyn College BC  0%
Sidney Sussex College BC  0%
Trinity Hall BC  0%
Wolfson College BC  0%
CULRC  18%
Total: 39 members' votes   (19 comments...)
Which is sweeter?
Winning men's and women's fours in the space of 30 minutes  71%
Beating LMBC four times in a week  26%
Chocolate  3%
Total: 31 members' votes
Who is the most comedy selfish bastard?
Edmund Blackadder  63%
Basil Fawlty  0%
Homer Simpson  7%
Alan Partridge  23%
Steve Stiffler  0%
Withnail  3%
Oscar Schindler  3%
Total: 30 members' votes   (1 comment...)
What's the best exercise for when you're stuck in a queue?
Bear in mind ability to get moving quickly if needed, and effects of stream and wind and constrained spaces.
Roll ups  12%
Frontstops tapping  8%
Backstops tapping  4%
Standing up in the boat (i.e. by taking a stroke)  4%
Cutting the cake  0%
Swapping blades between sides  4%
Pausing on the recovery  8%
Everyone swap seats  62%
Total: 26 members' votes   (14 comments...)
What is/was your favourite VIII
Everyone has a favourite boat, past or present.
BP1  26%
Denys Lawrence  12%
BP2  21%
Margot  3%
BP3 [Karlische]  18%
BP4 [Aylings]  0%
BP5 [the wooden thing]  6%
Peter Brandt  9%
Titan  0%
Conqueror  3%
Fair Maid of Kent  0%
Henry  3%
Total: 34 members' votes   (23 comments...)
I remember when...
you could walk past Sainsbury's without noticing it was there  33%
everything in the Bridge Street accommodation was wonky, leaking, or live  45%
Burrell's Field only had the big houses  3%
half the computers in the computer room would have blue screens which you couldn't unlock  35%
the first model C ergs arrived at the boathouse  13%
the rising bollards in Trinity Street were put in  18%
the bar was in the corner of Great Court  25%
the dining hall went through the phase of putting banana on everything (e.g. Salmon Caprice)  48%
the bop involved a live DJ, not a computer  33%
all the furniture in College rooms was like the stuff in the boathouse now  35%
no one had swipe cards  10%
Cindy's was Cindy's  8%
Cindy's was 5th Avenue  58%
Eden Lily was more than a photography shop  33%
The Baron of Beef and the Mitre were dingy pubs  58%
The maths department was in town  38%
BP2 (Janousek) was BP1  20%
BP4 (Aylings) was BP1  0%
BP3 was BP1  3%
the river flooded  55%
the river froze  13%
the river was covered with green scum (and I mean the whole river, not just the odd patch)  18%
there was a NatWest at Great Gate  45%
Formal Hall cost three pounds or less  38%
you paid for meals with little tickets with the number of courses written on them  53%
there was a Z Blue Boar  40%
novices rowed 15 minutes after the seniors  35%
none of the above  30%
Total: 40 members' votes   (18 comments...)
How often do you check the website?
Every minute  3%
Every hour  10%
Three or four times a day  50%
Daily  23%
Weekly  10%
Monthly  0%
Annually  0%
I have never checked the website  3%
Total: 30 members' votes   (7 comments...)
Who would make the best dominatrix?
Catherine Aiken  38%
Emily Booker  22%
Honey Duan  16%
Anna McCreadie  6%
Rachel Munro  9%
Pia Schaefer  0%
Sarah Taylor  0%
Bron  9%
Total: 32 members' votes   (1 comment...)
Flintoff: Could you? Have you?
I have drunk as much as Flintoff is reported to have done in one session.  5%
I have not drunk as much in one session as Flintoff did.  33%
I have not drunk as much in one session as Flintoff did - but I plan to try.  48%
I have not drunk as much as Flintoff did in my life.  14%
Total: 21 members' votes
What will the final score be in the Ashes?
England's score first.
3-1  18%
2-1  41%
2-2  23%
1-1  0%
1-2  0%
1-3  0%
5-0  18%
Total: 22 members' votes   (1 comment...)
The stuff of nightmares
Many people have bad dreams. Some people dream about rowing. Sometimes people have bad dreams about rowing. But which of these thoughts is most likely to have you waking up in a cold sweat?

Dreaming about...
being bumped by LMBC  48%
losing to Oxford  36%
forgetting the lifejacket while coxing in bumps  4%
being moved to the three seat  28%
last 30 seconds of a 2k erg test  40%
being single at the bop  20%
an alcohol ban at Formal Hall  16%
a worldwide shortage of malt loaf  32%
being fastest non-qualifier at HRR  12%
only having 7 riggers in Putney  20%
Dan and Rich's anti-chafing measures  40%
Total: 25 members' votes   (1 comment...)
What training techniques/aids do you normally use?
Most of the below are used by professional athletes to keep up with the competition. Which are most used at First and Third?

N.B. to select an option you should use it regularly - so buying lucozade occasionally from the lard cupboard doesn't count for Sports drink.
Sports drinks  41%
Vitamin/mineral supplements  22%
Protein supplements  7%
Heart rate monitor  48%
Training diary  44%
Stretching sessions  59%
Core stability work outs  63%
Alexander technique training  4%
Visualisation  15%
Other specialised training technique(s) - elaborate below  0%
None of the above  15%
Total: 27 members' votes   (3 comments...)
Favourite sport to watch?
Could be live or on TV / Radio. Or even a combination.
Cricket  29%
Cycling  0%
Football  21%
Golf  4%
Rowing  4%
Rugby  13%
Tennis  4%
Women's Nude Mud Wrestling  25%
Total: 24 members' votes
Is the web poll getting stale?
This week's original poll was a repeat of an earlier poll. Is the poll getting stale? Turn out rates suggest that voter apathy is not a problem. Have the old coffin dodgers who used to contribute run out of ideas? Or have they retired, leaving a void yet to be filled by those still in statu pupillare? The main question again: is the web poll getting stale? Vote and discuss.
Yes  13%
No  87%
Total: 23 members' votes   (24 comments...)
Summer time, and the living certainly isn't easy. Several members of this website are either slogging their guts out in the City on a summer placement, or know what it's like, having done so in the past. What's the point?
I'm gaining a valuable insight into the industry that I want to work for  29%
I'm gaining a valuable insight and I realise it's not an industry I want to work for  21%
I now realise student life is so cushy and I may well do a masters to avoid this for as long as possible  93%
How do people put up with commuting? It sucks  29%
I love commuting... there's a train and it goes underground and everything!  7%
I'm being given interesting work and contributing to the company  43%
I have menial tasks and do not feel valued  21%
They keep taking me out for drinks etc  43%
There are no social activities in the evening because I'm still working  0%
Everything seems so expensive here  29%
I'm not doing an internship because I'm working in the pub at home  0%
I'm not doing an internship because I'd rather have a long summer holiday  29%
The experience I have gained on this internship will look great on my cv  21%
The experience I have gained on this internship will look great on my cv once I've hyped it up a bit  36%
Now I realise why the bufties keep coming up to Cambridge  64%
Total: 14 members' votes   (4 comments...)
Can you be bothered to vote?
Yes  69%
No  31%
Total: 29 members' votes   (7 comments...)
Who is/was the greatest oar of all time?
Abbagnale (brothers, any of them)  0%
Ned Hanlan  0%
Sir Matthew Pinsent  29%
Sir Steve Redgrave  48%
James Tomkins  5%
Rob Waddell  14%
Dreissigacker (brothers, inventors of the ergo)  5%
Total: 21 members' votes   (16 comments...)
At which sport do Black Prince have the best chance of beating FaT (other than rowing)?
Cricket  0%
Golf  0%
Triathlon  65%
Atlantic Rowing  92%
Earning More Money  85%
Drinking  35%
Chess  4%
Total: 26 members' votes   (18 comments...)
Daddy or Chips?
Daddy  23%
Chips  77%
Total: 13 members' votes   (2 comments...)
Which of the following will we see first?
I'm sure all of these events will occur at some point in the future, but which will be first?
FaT win Uni M4+  8%
FaT win Uni W4+  8%
FaT actually beats an inferior LMBC in the Uni LM4-  8%
Lents Headship  31%
Mays Headship  0%
Women's Lents Headship  4%
Women back in 1st May Division  31%
BPBC don't win Fairbairns category  8%
RTT drops below 72kg again  4%
Total: 26 members' votes   (19 comments...)
What next?
After rowing across the Channel, what will the club do next?
Boston Marathon  50%
Great River Race  5%
Record attempt on rowing the length of the Cam/Ouse  5%
Row to Lincoln  5%
Beat BPBC in the Fairbairn Cup  9%
Mays Headship  14%
Successfully enter a 1x into the GoR  14%
Total: 22 members' votes
Your favourite Bumps
The Lents & Mays are quite different experiences through the contrasting weather, number of crews, different spectators, work and social distractions etc... Which do you prefer?
Lents  24%
Mays  76%
Oxford City  0%
Total: 29 members' votes
What was your favourite Bumps race report?
Everyone knows that the real purpose of racing is to write a good report afterwards. Which of this year's May Bumps reports was your favourite?
M1 - Describing Maggie as 'hench'  6%
W1 - Haikus and Limericks  10%
M3 - Smiley Mark's blacksmith metaphor  16%
M3 - Christoph's tale of Icarus  13%
W3 - Counting strokes until the bump  3%
M4 - Top Gun quotes  16%
Caius M2 describing FaT M2 - 'I swear they had a rocket launcher on their stern!'  32%
Other  3%
Total: 31 members' votes
Which boat performed best in the Bumps?
Not mathematically but achievementally
1st Men  10%
1st Women  10%
2nd Men  77%
2nd Women  0%
3rd Men  0%
3rd Women  0%
4th Men  0%
4th Women  0%
5th Men  0%
Atlantic Prince  3%
Total: 39 members' votes   (11 comments...)
Bumps is all about... or more of the following...
Good technique  20%
Hyper-fitness  20%
Mental strength  58%
Sheer teeth-gritting tenacity  70%
Core stability  13%
Matching kit  40%
Blades  50%
Spoons  15%
Boat damage  30%
The thrill of the chase  55%
Mays dinner  63%
The bop  45%
A pint at the plough in the early evening  18%
M1  35%
W1  25%
Marshalling  5%
Those few seconds of silence before the gun  48%
The weeks of training beforehand  23%
The alcohol bans  13%
The start  48%
The rating  15%
Grassy  18%
The quick bump  28%
The satisfying 'reach' bump  25%
The slow grind and just before the line bump  8%
Hitting Maggie  55%
The stomp  75%
Crew pastas  35%
The race reports  43%
The FaT mobile update system  25%
Being a DU/SU  18%
The callouses  5%
The glory  45%
The pain  45%
Crew showers  15%
Having fun (?!)  40%
Blood, sweat and tears  30%
Total: 40 members' votes   (8 comments...)
Will the 2nd VIII or the women get into the 1st division first?
The women are surely far too low in the rankings, starting 1st in division 2, but after holding off Queens they will be hard pushed to take a fast Darwin crew before the Darwin crew bumps out. The 2nd VIII could also move into the top flight on day one if they can manage the extraordinary and take down Caius II in Div 2 followed by Peterhouse in Div 1 as sandwich boat. Who will do it first?
Men II  19%
Women I  45%
both manage it on same day  19%
neither manage it all week  5%
Men III  12%
Total: 42 members' votes   (2 comments...)
What should Smiley Mark wear on University Challenge?
Our Sec is captaining the Trinity side in the challenge of challenges... how should he make his allegiances known?
Boatclub Tie  46%
Boatclub bow tie  15%
Boatclub boxers  37%
Boatclub boxers (only)  12%
Boatclub Blazer  22%
All-in-One  17%
Zephyr  7%
Stripeys  22%
Stripey antipodean kit  2%
Gold Socks  71%
Other (please specify!)  12%
Total: 41 members' votes   (66 comments...)
Suicide Sunday - What's it to be?
Any or all (you'll be lucky) of the following...
Punting race v Johns  39%
Punting regatta - FaT takes on the world  16%
Punt to Granchester  45%
BBQ  50%
Invade another clubs Garden Party  21%
Health Spa  8%
Childish and immature games on Jesus Green  11%
Childish and immature games on the backs  24%
Childish and immature games on punts  42%
Bridge jumping  21%
Treasure hunt  26%
Drinking tennis  5%
Drinking football  3%
Drinking rock/paper/scissors  5%
Wet T-shirt competition  53%
Water fight  34%
Rounders (I have a bat and ball)  18%
Other (please specify)  5%
Total: 38 members' votes   (4 comments...)
Chin Up Chicken
With Bread  79%
Without Bread  21%
Total: 24 members' votes
Would you bed your bedder?
I already do  3%
Yes - she's well fit  7%
Yes - it's the only way I'd get any  3%
Only if I was drunk  7%
Only if someone paid me  14%
No - she reminds me of my grandma  66%
Total: 29 members' votes   (5 comments...)
What should the club have as its 3 letter ARA code?
All clubs soon have to have a 3 letter ARA code for their boats, which is used at eg. the Nat. Champs. and on the Tideway. Currently ours is FTT, but we have an option to change it. What should we have?
FTT  7%
FTR (easy to add to existing TR numbers)  0%
CTR (Cambridge, Trinity - similar)  2%
FAT  81%
CAT  0%
BUN  0%
RTT  10%
XXX  0%
Total: 42 members' votes   (18 comments...)
Opinion Poll
If there was a general election tomorrow, for whom would you vote?
Conservative  27%
Green  2%
Labour  7%
Liberal Democrat  46%
a national party in Wales/Scotland/Ireland  2%
Monster Raving Looney  7%
Respect  0%
UKIP  0%
Veritas  0%
Other  0%
Spoil ballot  0%
Deliberate abstention  7%
Don't Know  0%
Total: 41 members' votes   (19 comments...)
Following on from the recent Club Money message board thread, what's your favourite kind of handle?
Wooden (Smooth)  3%
Wooden (Rough)  50%
Plastic  12%
Foam  18%
Synthetic Suede  3%
Messiah  9%
Water Music  6%
Total: 34 members' votes   (11 comments...)
Favourite Blackadder Episode?
A year on from the Cornwall training camp, where I suspect we watched at least 80% of all the Blackadder ever produced, I wonder which episode is most beloved by all? Full scripts can be found here. Feel free to ask
1.1: The Foretelling  0%
1.2: The Queen of Spain's Beard  0%
1.3: The Archbishop  5%
1.4: Born to be a King  9%
1.5: The Witchsmeller Pursuivant  0%
1.6: The Black Seal  0%
2.1: Head  0%
2.2: Bell  0%
2.3: Potato  0%
2.4: Money  5%
2.5: Beer  5%
2.6: Chains  9%
3.1: Dish and Dishonesty  0%
3.2: Ink and Incapability  14%
3.3: Nob and Nobility  0%
3.4: Sense and Senility  0%
3.5: Amy and Amiability  0%
3.6: Duel and Duality  5%
4.1: Corporal Punishment  5%
4.2: Captain Cook  0%
4.3: Major Star  0%
4.4: Private Plane  0%
4.5: General Hospital  27%
4.6: Goodbyeee  18%
Total: 22 members' votes   (8 comments...)
Favourite outing type?
UT2  19%
Fartlek  6%
2x19' pyramids  10%
Power water work  16%
3 courses  32%
6 x 3'  3%
6 x 500m  13%
Row to Ely  0%
Swapping blades over  0%
Total: 31 members' votes   (22 comments...)
Optimal Easter vac training?
What mix of the following will give you the edge for May Term crew selection?
Lots of sculling (added benefit of tanning)  38%
Lots of pairs rowing (also tanning)  56%
Numb bum ergo sessions  53%
Beach weights  31%
Maxim  9%
Swimming  22%
Rowing diet (it's all about food - sod the exercise)  47%
Steroids  19%
Tubbing  9%
Running  50%
Lunges  22%
Analysis of 2005 Boat Race technique  28%
Shiny new lycra  34%
Cox press-ups (2004 2nd May VIII special)  16%
Holiday job as a labourer  6%
Holiday job in the sporting arena  9%
Plenty of fluids...  50%
Total: 32 members' votes   (1 comment...)
Where will you be on Boat Race day?
Last year I watched the Boat Race on television, which had the advantage of me being able to see the whole race (although sadly not the Goldie/Isis race), but the disadvantage of missing out on the brilliant atmosphere on the bank. This year, ITV have the television rights, so I'll probably head down to London. What will everyone else be doing?

On Boat Race day, I will be...
On the bank at Hammersmith watching the action live  32%
In a pub along the course  9%
Watching on the big screens  15%
In the launch  0%
Listening on the radio  6%
Watching on television  56%
Supporting Cambridge  94%
Supporting Oxford  0%
Wearing an item of Cambridge Blue clothing  29%
Drunk  26%
Revising :(  15%
Not watching the boat race, I have better things to do with my time  0%
Total: 34 members' votes   (7 comments...)

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