London 2012 rowing, I will be watching... | |
This should help those of you undecided as to what to get tickets for. Once you have applied just fill in an option, and hopefully others from FaT/BPBC will be there and join you. The codes supplied are for the different sessions, as found on the 2012 website.
http://www.tickets.london2012.com/browse/sport/8222?form=search&tab=oly&sport=8222&event=&venue=&fromDate=&toDate=&morning=1&afternoon=1&evening=1 RO001 | | 0% | | RO002 | | 0% | | RO003 | | 0% | | RO004 | | 0% | | RO005 | | 100% | | RO006 | | 0% | | RO007 | | 0% | | RO008 | | 0% | Total: 3 members' votes (1 comment...) |
I'd rather be at ... | |
Oxford | | 30% | | St John's | | 60% | | Downing | | 10% | Total: 10 members' votes (1 comment...) |
Against which event(s) would you prefer to have the annual pub crawl clashing ? | |
There's rather a lot of other racing around the date of the boat race (26 March), and the crawl will have to clash with something else. 19 March - WeHoRR | | 58% | | 20 March - Hammersmith Head | | 50% | | 26 March - Kingston Head | | 25% | | 27 March - Henley Races | | 0% | | 02 April - HoRR | | 0% | | 03 April - Vets HoRR | | 25% | Total: 12 members' votes |
Siege! | |
Imagine you have angered a group of antisocial youths while out on the river - for example, you have broken their fishing line and they demand retribution. They follow you to the boathouse, where you quickly jump inside and prepare yourself for their arrival.
The hoardes arrive, armed with bricks, stones, and possibly knives. You look around to see what you could use to defend the boathouse. What do you do? Pick up a blade and charge. | | 0% | | Run out holding a backstay in one hand, a clam in the other as a knuckleduster, and start swinging wildly. | | 13% | | Launch a single scull at the gang. | | 0% | | Stand on the balcony frisbeeing Fairbairns shields at them. | | 13% | | Stand on the balcony pelting them with weights and Headship medals. | | 6% | | Dismantle an erg, craft some form of rudimentary nunchucks, put on some jet-black full-body lycra and abseil down from the roof. | | 6% | | Attempt to drown them by throwing Lard items into the river. | | 0% | | Put on the women's cheese music erg CD on maximum volume. | | 25% | | Give Coker a call. | | 38% | Total: 16 members' votes (4 comments...) |
Favourite Corner? | |
There are lots of gentle bends left out of the options, but all of these require more turn than an Australian spinner. Which one do you like best? Little Bridge | | 0% | | First Post | | 9% | | Grassy | | 27% | | Ditton | | 27% | | The Kink | | 0% | | Under the Railway Bridge | | 0% | | Morley's Holt | | 0% | | Chesterton | | 9% | | Simoco | | 0% | | Churchill BH | | 0% | | Elizabeth Way | | 0% | | The Karussell | | 27% | Total: 11 members' votes (2 comments...) |
Fairbairns Predictions | |
Which of the following will we win/will happen? Fastest Men's Novice VIII | | 14% | | Fastest Men's Second Novice VIII | | 14% | | Fastest Women's Novice VIII | | 14% | | Fastest Second Women's Novice VIII | | 7% | | Fastest Men's Senior VIII | | 29% | | Fastest Men's Second Senior VIII | | 14% | | Fastest Men's Invitational Senior VIII | | 79% | | Fastest Women's Senior VIII | | 43% | | Fastest Women's Second Senior VIII | | 7% | | Fastest Women's Invitational Senior VIII | | 57% | | Fastest Men's Senior IV | | 21% | | Fastest Women's Senior IV | | 43% | | Fastest Men's Invitational Senior IV | | 71% | | Fastest Women's Invitational Senior IV | | 29% | | Second Novice Men beat First Novice Men | | 21% | | Second Novice Women beat First Novice Women | | 14% | | BPBC M1 beat FaT M1 | | 57% | | BPBC M2 beat FaT M2 | | 64% | | BPBC W1 beat FaT W1 | | 21% | | BPBC M4+ beat FaT M4+ | | 43% | | Fastest BPBC W4+ beat Fastest FaT W4+ | | 36% | | FaT Novice Men beat any BPBC Men's VIII | | 14% | | At least one crab in a novice crew | | 79% | | At least one crab in a senior FaT crew | | 36% | | At least one crab in a BPBC crew | | 43% | | Sun | | 36% | | Rain | | 36% | | Snow | | 93% | | Hail | | 43% | | Fog | | 36% | | Gales | | 50% | | Wormhole action | | 50% | Total: 14 members' votes (1 comment...) |
What is the maximum sum of money you would be willing to spend on club Stripy Trousers (women included)? | |
The official 1st&3rd club dress comprises a pair of Stripy Trousers like the ones the Men's Captain swaps over with the incoming captain at the Mays dinner each year. It is a great shame that apart from the Men's Captain only a very few Bufties own a pair of Stripies these days and so it would be fantastic if we managed to produce a new batch of them. Previous attempts to do this have been hindered by large production costs (cloth needs to be made + trousers tailored).
This poll is aimed at finding out how many people would be interested in purchasing a pair of Stripy Trousers and at what price such that quotes can be obtained from manufacturers. For the ladies, there are ideas to introduce Stripy Skirts, so please place your vote too!
Options are indicated in Pounds Sterling. 150+ | | 3% | | 125 | | 3% | | 100 | | 26% | | 75 | | 23% | | 50 | | 45% | Total: 31 members' votes (1 comment...) |
Where shall we go on training camp next year? | |
Every year, the men (and potentially the women) go somewhere exciting for pre-Lents training camp. We've had Nottingham, Seville and Chester in the last three years, all very special in their own way. So now where? State your (multiple) preferences! Cambridge | | 13% | | Dorney | | 26% | | Nottingham | | 9% | | Lake Victoria | | 17% | | Chester | | 17% | | Seville | | 43% | | The Tideway | | 48% | | The Amazon | | 13% | | Wallingford | | 26% | | Peteborough | | 17% | | Across the Atlantic | | 17% | | Ely | | 17% | | Lake Titicaca | | 26% | | Banyoles | | 13% | Total: 23 members' votes |
How long will it be before Gonzalo breaks his vow of celibacy? | |
Gonzalo has explicitly stated that he is going to be celibate this term...how long will this last? Gonzalo and celibate don't go together in the same sentence | | 67% | | Less than a week | | 17% | | 1-2 weeks | | 0% | | 2-3 weeks | | 0% | | 3-4 weeks | | 0% | | Up until a massive bender just before exams | | 6% | | He'll succeed (anyone voting this option has accidentally pressed the wrong button) | | 11% | Total: 18 members' votes (5 comments...) |
Yes, but... | |
Vote for another party: I could never support anything to do with LMBC | | 7% | | Vote for another party: any LMBCite is going to be incompetent | | 7% | | Vote for the same party: candidates' personal lives are irrelevant | | 0% | | Vote for the same party: come on, we're talking about running the country here, there are limits to disliking LMBC | | 7% | | Stand against them just to prove that anything they can do we can do better | | 80% | | I always find out about the candidate before deciding how to vote, so this would not apply to me | | 0% | Total: 15 members' votes |
If there was a General Election tomorrow, for whom would you vote? | |
BNP | | 0% | | Conservative | | 26% | | DUP | | 0% | | Green | | 0% | | Jury Team | | 0% | | Liberal Democrat | | 42% | | Labour | | 11% | | Plaid Cymru | | 5% | | RESPECT | | 0% | | SDLP | | 0% | | Sinn Fein | | 0% | | SNP | | 0% | | Trade Union & Socialist Coalition | | 5% | | UKIP | | 0% | | UUP | | 0% | | Other | | 11% | | Don't know/undecided | | 0% | Total: 19 members' votes (1 comment...) |
As per Julia's request, should the next FaTTBC vs BPBC multisport event be touch rugby? | |
Touch rugby is a superb game played by men and women together and, though not widely played here, is the largest participation sport in NZ. For those unfamiliar with the game check out this for a basic intro:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvASxmfGVIM Total: 18 members' votes (4 comments...) |
Whither FaTTFC vs BPFC? | |
This year's 1st & 3rd vs Black Prince football match was less competitive than in previous years. This may be a consequence of BPBC having gained more recent graduates, leaving 1st & 3rd somewhat disadvantaged. How should the fixture be run in future years to keep it competitive? No change | | 41% | | Pick teams on the day, each being mixed FaT/BPBC | | 0% | | Play (e.g.) strokeside vs bowside, again with mixed FaT/BPBC teams | | 6% | | Organise a composite FaT/BPBC team to play, say, the College 2nd XI or another boat club's old boys | | 12% | | Only run the fixture in years when there is particularly strong interest from FaT | | 0% | | Have a 5-a-side tournament instead | | 0% | | Play the game in Michaelmas term when more 1st years are likely to be involved | | 41% | | Abandon the fixture | | 0% | | Other (please suggest below) | | 0% | Total: 17 members' votes (3 comments...) |
Who will do best at the (W)HoRR? | |
Clearly there are different numbers of entries (400 in HoRR, 300 in WHoRR), but going purely on places, which result do you expect? Women beat men by > 50 places | | 0% | | Women beat men by 31-50 places | | 7% | | Women beat men by 11-30 places | | 33% | | 10 or fewer places between them | | 7% | | Men beat women by 11-30 places | | 13% | | Men beat women by 31-50 places | | 0% | | Men beat women by >50 places | | 0% | | Both crews lose to JPD, Mahe and Ming in a Randan | | 40% | Total: 15 members' votes (2 comments...) |
How Many Headships? | |
The four men's crews currently hold their respective headships. How many will the club hold at the end of the week? None | | 0% | | One | | 0% | | Two | | 0% | | Three | | 0% | | Four | | 6% | | Five | | 89% | | Six | | 6% | Total: 18 members' votes |
Lent Bumps Net Gain | |
What will be the net gain for the six FaT crews racing this week? Rowing over head of the first division counts as +1. Voting closes Wednesday at 12 noon. Worse than -4 | | 5% | | -4 to -1 | | 5% | | Level | | 5% | | +1 to +4 | | 21% | | +5 to +8 | | 11% | | +9 to +12 | | 37% | | +13 to +16 | | 16% | | +17 to + 20 | | 0% | | Better than +20 | | 0% | Total: 19 members' votes |
Where will be the best place to watch the bumps from? | |
With just over 3 weeks until bumps, where do you hope to be keeping your eye on the racing from? Head Station | | 0% | | First Post Corner | | 0% | | Grassy Corner | | 16% | | The Plough pub | | 4% | | Ditton Corner | | 0% | | The Railings | | 0% | | The Railway Bridge | | 0% | | Morleys Holt | | 0% | | Peter's Posts | | 0% | | Top Finish | | 4% | | Bicycle on the towpath | | 28% | | The Coxes seat | | 4% | | The Headship crew | | 28% | | Over the radio from home | | 0% | | Online @ www.firstandthird.org | | 16% | Total: 25 members' votes (12 comments...) |
Pembroke Regatta | |
Competitive in M2 division | | 32% | | Fall in after standard Long Reach regatta blade clash | | 21% | | Tip an eight in after standard Long Reach regatta blade clash | | 63% | | Disqualified | | 16% | | Beat that random French crew that always turns up, but make no further progress | | 11% | | Beat the crews from other College alumni clubs | | 32% | | Win the Pembroke Regatta in his single scull | | 42% | Total: 19 members' votes |
Which annoys you the most? | |
Fairburns | | 94% | | Mitchell Cup | | 6% | Total: 16 members' votes (6 comments...) |
Most Significant Victory? | |
Which First and Third victory was the most significant in recent times? 1998 Lents (Men) | | 9% | | 1998 HORR (Novice) | | 0% | | 2000 Lents (Men) | | 6% | | 2007 Lents (Men) | | 0% | | 2007 Lents (Women) | | 17% | | 2007 Fairbairn's (Men) | | 6% | | 2008 Lents (Men) | | 0% | | 2008 Lents (Women) | | 0% | | 2008 Fairbairn's (Men) | | 0% | | 2008 Mays (Men) | | 43% | | 2009 Lents (Men) | | 0% | | 2009 HORR (Halladay) | | 11% | | 2009 Mays (Men) | | 3% | | 2009 Fairbairn's (Women) | | 3% | | ? Other (Please specify) | | 3% | Total: 35 members' votes (4 comments...) |
What form will Martin's midlife crisis take? | |
Martin Peck (the creator of this website) turned 40 on New Year's Day. Clearly a midlife crisis is shortly due, but what form will it take? He'll buy a Harley Davidson | | 4% | | He'll adopt a comb-over | | 4% | | He'll trade his wife in for a younger model | | 4% | | He'll buy an allotment | | 13% | | He'll take up pipe smoking | | 4% | | He'll take early retirement | | 0% | | His speech will become hesitant | | 21% | | He'll commission the manufacture of a tandem | | 50% | Total: 24 members' votes |
New Year resolutions | |
Will you be giving things up, or taking things up? Giving up | | 17% | | Taking up | | 83% | Total: 12 members' votes |
Are you an alcoholic? | |
As we are well aware due to the press many students drink far too much. Is this true of First and Third students?
How many of these would you answer yes to?
Have you ever felt you needed to cut down on your drinking?
Have people criticised your drinking?
Have you ever felt guilty about drinking?
Have you ever felt you needed a drink first thing in the morning to steady your nerves or to get rid of a hangover? 0 (none of these apply) | | 26% | | 1 | | 19% | | 2 | | 15% | | 3 | | 22% | | 4 (all of these apply) | | 19% | Total: 27 members' votes (3 comments...) |
How will Pedro's Atlantic attempt go? | |
Pedro is attempting to row across the Atlantic in a 6 man boat. What will happen on the trip? They will complete the crossing | | 74% | | They will get over halfway | | 26% | | They will get a quarter of the way | | 22% | | They will get three days out of port | | 22% | | The trip will be long and uneventful | | 33% | | The trip will take 40 days or less | | 7% | | The trip will take between 41 and 45 days | | 19% | | The trip will take between 46 and 50 days | | 19% | | The trip will take between 51 and 60 days | | 11% | | The trip will take between 61 and 70 days | | 15% | | The crew will never be seen again | | 11% | | The boat will be found drifting empty years later | | 26% | | The boat will never be found | | 4% | | They will fight off a pirate attack | | 26% | | Pirates will attack and take the crew hostage | | 4% | | They will get bored of rowing and become pirates | | 52% | | They will run out of food | | 4% | | They will run out of food and become cannibals | | 19% | | They will run out of food and trade with friendly mermaids for more food | | 30% | | They plan to use a motor when no-one is watching | | 33% | | They have a sail | | 30% | | They are actually very slow drug smugglers | | 44% | | They will be turned away at Barbados and have to row all the way back | | 30% | | The will be arrested in Barbados for trying to smuggle in illegal immigrants | | 15% | | The world is actually flat and they will fall off the edge | | 44% | | They will capsize | | 22% | | They will see a shark | | 41% | | A shark will attack the boat | | 11% | | A shark will eat the whole crew | | 7% | | They will see a kraken | | 30% | | A kraken will eat the whole crew | | 19% | | They will miss America and end up in New Zealand | | 48% | Total: 27 members' votes (5 comments...) |
In 1902, the Master of Trinity Hall died during the May Bumps and Trinity Hall did not wish to race for the last two nights. 1st Trinity were behind them and arranged to row past the Hall starting post the third night, and allow the Hall to row past the 1st TBC post the following night, thus enabling the Hall boat to retain its place on the river without racing. If a similar thing happened now, would you do the same? | |
Total: 20 members' votes (3 comments...) |
Should the photos in the gallery be bigger? | |
Simple. Are the pictures in the gallery too small? Yes | | 65% | | No | | 24% | | Don't care | | 12% | Total: 17 members' votes (12 comments...) |
Delayed | |
In last week's poll, MC Peck was havin' trouble in da wife transportation area. What's the best solution to the fact that wifes/girlfriends always make you late for everything? Family Railcard | | 0% | | Tandem | | 10% | | Larger car | | 5% | | Telling her bumps starts two hours before it does | | 76% | | Shopping vouchers | | 14% | | Divorce | | 14% | | Giving up altogether and accepting that your life is over. Settling down. Raising a family and ruining their lives by pushing them into first coxing, then rowing, & being faintly disappointed that they end up with a better bumps aggregate than you | | 29% | | Men! Huh. Like you're any better | | 5% | Total: 21 members' votes |
Top Glass | |
Team Clarkson | | 7% | | Team Hammond | | 37% | | Team May | | 41% | | The Stig | | 15% | Total: 27 members' votes (12 comments...) |
What is the worst organised sporting event of recent times? | |
The 1993 Grand National (link) | | 0% | | West Indies vs England, 1st Test 1998 (link) | | 0% | | The 2002 University Fours (link) | | 10% | | The 2005 US Grand Prix (link) | | 0% | | West Indies vs England, 2nd Test 2009 (link) | | 14% | | The 2009 Pembroke Regatta | | 76% | Total: 21 members' votes (2 comments...) |
If JDT were to stand for Women's boatclub captain, would you vote for him? | |
After hearing some of JDT's main thoughts on the subject, RTT suggested he should stand. Yes | | 54% | | No | | 38% | | Depends on his policies | | 8% | Total: 26 members' votes (3 comments...) |
Lents Bop in the Union | |
There's going to be a combined bop for JCBC, LMBC, and 1&3TBC... Tragedy | | 33% | | It's a sin | | 24% | | Opportunities (Let's make lots of money) | | 14% | | I predict a riot | | 71% | | We didn't start the fire | | 48% | | You get what you give | | 10% | | Everbody wants to rule the world | | 19% | | Take on me | | 19% | | Who let the dogs out | | 43% | | Maggie may | | 19% | | Jesus he knows me | | 0% | | Three lions | | 38% | | Dizzy | | 19% | Total: 21 members' votes (1 comment...) |
What should be the next event to be added to the FaT vs. BPBC calendar? | |
So far we have rowing, football, golf and cricket as established fixtures. What should we add next (I think all of these have been mentioned at some point)? Rugby | | 0% | | Triathlon | | 14% | | Karting | | 21% | | Paintball | | 32% | | Fell Running | | 14% | | Guitar Hero / Rock Band | | 4% | | Bridge | | 4% | | Curling | | 0% | | Aerial Dogfighting | | 11% | Total: 28 members' votes (6 comments...) |
Is women's emancipation a good idea? | |
Total: 9 members' votes (4 comments...) |
What do FaT members miss most about the club during the holidays? | |
Most undergraduates leave for the holidays, leaving those who do stay deserted -- so everyone misses out in some way. What do members miss the most? Banter | | 78% | | Erging | | 17% | | Rowing | | 74% | | Pasta | | 43% | | Lard | | 48% | | Circuits | | 26% | | Lock runs | | 17% | | Coker | | 17% | Total: 23 members' votes (2 comments...) |
Dark days for BPBC | |
For the third time in four years, the novices have beaten BPBC II in the Fairbairn Cup. However, a look through the archives demonstrates that there are plenty of sub-prime BPBC results. But which of these events ranks as BPBC's poorest performance? Total: 22 members' votes (12 comments...) |
Will FaT NM1 beat M2 in senior Fairbairns this year? | |
Yes, by a long way | | 10% | | Yes, narrowly | | 29% | | No | | 61% | Total: 31 members' votes (8 comments...) |
Who will be the next President of the USA? | |
Hillary Clinton | | 22% | | Sarah Palin | | 17% | | A proper African-American | | 0% | | Arnold Schwarzenegger | | 61% | Total: 18 members' votes |
Who will be the next President of the USA? | |
McCain | | 3% | | Obama | | 59% | | Osama | | 11% | | John W. Earl | | 27% | Total: 37 members' votes (4 comments...) |
Marmite | |
I love it | | 29% | | I hate it | | 35% | | I can take it or leave it | | 35% | Total: 31 members' votes (1 comment...) |
Who is the greatest Olympian of modern times? | |
Michael Phelps's achievements in Beijing have reignited the argument as to who is the greatest Olympian. Who gets your vote? (Summer Olympics only, since 1896.) SWIMMING: Mark Spitz - won 9 gold medals, including a (formerly) record 7 in 1972 (when many fewer were available than the 34 on offer in 2008), setting a world record in each | | 0% | | Michael Phelps - has won a record 14 gold medals, including a record-breaking 8 in Beijing | | 6% | | ATHLETICS: Paavo Nurmi - won 9 middle & long distance gold medals from 1920-28, plus 3 silver medals, and might have won more in 1932 had he been eligible to compete | | 11% | | Jesse Owens - won 4 gold medals ((100m, 200m, long jump, sprint relay) in 1936 at 'Hitler's Olympics' in Berlin | | 6% | | Emil Zatopek - won gold medals in 1952 at 5000m, 10000m and the marathon (which he only decided to run at the last minute), plus gold and silver in 1948 | | 0% | | Fanny Blankers-Koen - won 4 gold medals in 1948, and only the rules prevented her from competing in more events, such as the long and high jumps, for both of which she held the world record | | 0% | | Al Oerter - won 4 gold medals in discus from 1956 to 1968 and is one of only three people to win an individual Olympic gold medal at four consecutive games | | 0% | | Ed Moses - unbeaten from 1977 to 1987 in the 400m hurdles, and was (almost certainly) only denied three consecutive gold medals by the US boycott of the 1980 Moscow Olympics | | 0% | | Daley Thompson - one of only two men ever to win two Olympic decathlons (1980 and 1984), setting a world record in the second | | 0% | | Jackie Joyner-Kersee - won the heptathlon gold medal in 1988 and 1992 (and silver in 1984) and still holds the world record, and also won the long jump gold in 1988 | | 0% | | Carl Lewis - won 9 gold medals from 1984 to 1996, including 4 (100m, 200m, long jump, sprint relay) in 1984, and is one of only three people to win an individual Olympic gold medal at four consecutive games | | 6% | | Jan Zelezny - one silver and 3 golds in the javelin from 1988 to 2000 | | 0% | | Michael Johnson - won 400m gold in 1996 and 2000 (only man ever to retain that title), and also won 200m gold in 1996, shattering the world record in 19.32 seconds | | 0% | | ROWING: Steve Redgrave - won gold medals at each of 5 Olympics from 1984 to 2000, plus a bronze in 1984 | | 33% | | Matthew Pinsent - won gold medals at each of 4 Olympics from 1992 to 2004, and never lost an Olympic race | | 6% | | Elisabeta Lipa - won gold medals at 5 Olympic Games in rowing between 1984 and 2004, plus silver and bronze in 1988 and silver in 1992 | | 11% | | OTHER: Paul Elvstrom (sailing) - the third man to have won four consecutive individual Olympic gold medals (1948 to 1960), one in the Firefly class and three in the Finn class | | 0% | | Aladar Gerevich (fencing: sabre) - won gold medals at a record 6 Olympics between 1932 and 1960 (7 total golds), the last aged 50, and holds the record for time between gold medals (28 years) | | 0% | | Larissa Latynina (gymnastics) - only female athlete to have won 9 Olympic gold medals, between 1956 and 1964, and also won 5 silver and 4 bronze, making a record total of 18 | | 0% | | Nadia Elena Comaneci (gymnastics) - awarded the first ever 'perfect 10', then awarded 6 more en route to 4 gold medals in 1976, aged 14, and won another gold in 1980 | | 0% | | Birgit Fischer (kayaking) - won 8 gold medals at a record 6 different Olympics from 1980 to 2004 (missed the 1984 games because of the Eastern Bloc boycott), plus four silver medals, and holds the women's record for time between gold medals (24 years) | | 11% | | Eric 'the eel' Moussambani (doggy-paddle) (video, in case you missed it) | | 11% | | Other (please comment below) | | 0% | Total: 18 members' votes |
Will Great Britain (and Northern Ireland) finish ahead of Australia in the medal table at the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games? | |
The table is ranked by number of gold, then silvers, then bronze medals. Total: 23 members' votes (1 comment...) |
asdf | |
asdf Total: 3 members' votes (2 comments...) |
Oympic Grandstand | |
China is in a different timezone to the UK, so events will be largely through the night (including the swimming finals, moved to the morning to suit US tv. How will you get your fix? I do not intend to watch any of the Olympics | | 0% | | I shall hear about it on Radio 5 | | 0% | | I'll watch the prime time evening highlights | | 11% | | I'll stay up for the bits I'm interested in | | 44% | | I'm going to live on Chinese time for the duration | | 44% | Total: 9 members' votes (2 comments...) |
HRR | |
How far will FaT get at Henley, before being knocked out ? Qualifiers | | 5% | | Wednesday | | 41% | | Thursday | | 14% | | Saturday | | 0% | | Sunday | | 0% | | They'll win | | 36% | | Friday | | 5% | Total: 22 members' votes (7 comments...) |
How should future headships be celebrated? | |
News from upriver suggests that boat burnings are not always safe. In these eco-aware times, what about the carbon footprint of a burnt boat? And the lack of wooden boats to burn? Find a wooden boat, even if it means buying a skiff, and burn it | | 57% | | Build a wooden boat and burn it | | 26% | | Give an old boat to an underfunded school rowing club (cf Magdalen Oxford when they went head of Eights in 04, for the first time in decades) | | 17% | | Give money to a FISA project to set up rowing in a small country (on condition that any boats bought are called Black Prince) | | 9% | | Hold some sort of lantern festival with lanterns on boats floating along the backs, timed so that they launch mini fireworks displays as they go past the Wren | | 4% | | Hold a ball on the Monday after bumps | | 48% | | Make all boat club activity carbon neutral | | 13% | Total: 23 members' votes (2 comments...) |
Which Division 1 Positions Will Be Occupied By 1st & 3rd At The End Of The Week? | |
With 3 boats in their respective 1st divisions any position is possible, but where do we think they'll end up? Head | | 90% | | 2nd | | 23% | | 3rd | | 3% | | 4th | | 0% | | 5th | | 10% | | 6th | | 37% | | 7th | | 0% | | 8th | | 0% | | 9th | | 7% | | 10th | | 20% | | 11th | | 37% | | 12th | | 23% | | 13th | | 3% | | 14th | | 0% | | 15th | | 0% | | 16th | | 0% | | 17th | | 0% | Total: 30 members' votes |
Are there too many races on the Cam? | |
Much as we love the end of term blow outs, are there now so many events during the term that normal training is being hindered? Or should every outing be at firm pressure anyway? Total: 19 members' votes (4 comments...) |
Which Convention is most dull? | |
Democratic Party | | 8% | | Republican Party | | 8% | | Star Trek | | 25% | | Fairport | | 58% | Total: 12 members' votes |
If there was a General Election tomorrow, who would you vote for? | |
British National Party | | 0% | | Conservative Party | | 17% | | Green Party | | 3% | | Labour Party | | 7% | | Liberal Democrats | | 21% | | Scottish National Party | | 3% | | UK Independence Party | | 0% | | John Earl | | 48% | Total: 29 members' votes (2 comments...) |
What should be done to protest at the Olympics about the Chinese in Tibet? | |
Torch protesting has begun, but there are various suggestions about further demonstration. What do you think is appropriate? Nothing, the Olympics are about sport and should be apolitical | | 24% | | The torch protests make the point well enough | | 7% | | Political leaders should boycott the games | | 62% | | Athletes should boycott the games | | 3% | | Everyone should buy Pepsi to send a consumerist message | | 3% | Total: 29 members' votes |