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Members' Opinion Polls

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What date should the annual pre-boat race pub crawl be?
Black Prince organise a pre-boat race pub crawl each year, which is usually held on a suitable day prior to the race.
We tour the pubs along the course on the Thames from which it is possible to watch the race.
This year there are several viable options for date:
Good Friday: Friday April 3rd
Easter Saturday: Saturday April 4th
Friday before the Boat Race and Day of Blondie v Osiris : Friday April 10th
The clear disadvantage of the Friday 10th is that it is not a bank holiday, and therefore turn out for working members of Black Prince and members of First and Third doing PhDs is possibly going to be lower.
So which date(s) would you support?

April 3rd  67%
April 4th  33%
April 10th
Total: 3 members' votes   (8 comments...)
Which website view do you use?
We now have options of gold font on blue background (traditional) or grey font on white background (new). You can switch between the two at the bottom of the page.
Gold on Blue  57%
Grey on White  24%
Either (depends on my mood)  19%
Total: 21 members' votes   (3 comments...)
Which of these rules do you follow?
A list of rules that should be followed while rowing. Which of them do you obey?
#1 I obey the rules  24%
#2 I lead by example  33%
#3 I guide the uninitiated  52%
#4 I know it is all about the boat speed  76%
#5 I HTFU  57%
#6 I immerse myself in the rowing  62%
#7 I am bad***, I row in bad weather  62%
#8 I know rowing comes first  43%
#9 I know the correct amount of lycra to own is more  52%
#10 I know it doesn't get easier, that I just go faster  76%
#11 I know that colours and associated kit should only be worn by people who have already achieved that honour  81%
#12 I know the only remedy for pain is to train more and meditate on #5  57%
#13 I know cold weather gear is for cold weather only  38%
#14 I know that the minimum acceptable kit is the all in one rolled up  43%
#15 I know that all distances (except the championship course and henley) are in metric  62%
#16 I know to respect the boat  62%
#17 I know that Socks should be Gold (or colours)  71%
#18 I know that shaving on the morning of a race saps my virility  19%
#19 I know that washing or changing my kit between days of bumps saps my energy  38%
#20 I know that washing kit at other times is mandatory as a courtesy to those around me  43%
#21 I know that I will not row while listening to music  38%
#22 I know that lycra is for training and stash is for everyday wear, not the otherway round  43%
#23 I compete to win  57%
#24 I ignore everythign not in the boat  33%
#25 I will only mention an erg score if specifically asked, I do not routinely discuss erg scores  33%
#26 I know that erg scores =/= boat speed  48%
#27 I am calm before the race  33%
#28 I look after my equipment and ensure they are kept maintained  52%
#29 I know the outing starts on time  48%
#30 I know to be silent in the boat (or if a cox I know to not be silent for long periods)  38%
#31 I know there are no excuses, either you won or you weren't meditaing enough on #5  48%
#32 I know that Maggie are the red scum  76%
#33 I stomp  71%
#34 I know not to wear read (#32)  67%
#35 I know that Light pressure is acceptable only after races  57%
#36 I keep the erg clean  52%
#37 I keep the boathouse clean  52%
#38 I keep the training calls clean  24%
#39 I keep the website clean  29%
#40 I know gloves are not for rowing in  52%
#41 I do my ergs  52%
#42 I pay for lard  67%
Total: 21 members' votes
Are hugs continuous or discrete?
With valentines day just around the corner are hugs are discrete unit, such as a number of hugs? or are hugs a continuous variable, such as a period of hugs?
More hugs and less hugs  20%
More hugs and fewer hugs  53%
It doesn't matter but I want more hugs  27%
Total: 15 members' votes   (6 comments...)
Will you be training on Christmas Day (25th December)?
Does Christmas represent a set-back to your training plans? Or an additional holiday for training?
Yes, several sessions  9%
Yes, two sessions  0%
Yes, one session (hard)  18%
Yes, one session (light)  18%
Yes, one session (consumption)  0%
Yes, to avoid the family  0%
Yes, but what is Christmas?  0%
No, Christmas gets in the way  9%
No, family get in the way  9%
No, but what is Christmas?  0%
No, but what is training?  36%
Total: 11 members' votes

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