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Members' Opinion Polls

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Best T-shirt: part 1
Limited to 1st & 3rd t-shirts only, pre Year 2000. Based only on memory and this site's photo archives; apologies for errors.
The meek may inherit the earth, but they can stay the hell off the river  27%
We are better than you  42%
Think you're a bit tasty do you? COME ON THEN! (2nd Men, May 1997)  12%
Beat Me! (children's sized t-shirt) (3rd Men, May 1997)  15%
The A-Team (Novice Men, 1997)  4%
Chomp (2nd Men, Lent 1998)  0%
Gold Sox: Way out of your league baby (2nd Women, Lent 1998)  0%
BoatShift (parody of CICCU campaign) (4th Men, Lent 1998)  0%
The Full Boaty (The Full Monty parody) (3rd Men, May 1998)  0%
Boat Crawl (Novice Men, 1998)  0%
Trinity Mermaids (2nd Women, May 1999)  0%
Total: 26 members' votes   (5 comments...)
What should be the next FaT international campaign?
After the successful raid on Berlin, what should the club try next?
Banyoles training camp  6%
Head of the Charles  13%
Royal Canadian Henley  3%
Trinity College Dublin Regatta  29%
Sulkava Rowing Race  3%
Beijing 2008  6%
Bomb France  32%
Invade Poland (bet the captain starts this one)  6%
Total: 31 members' votes
In how many different countries have you rowed?
One  33%
Two  33%
Three  6%
Four  9%
Five  3%
Six  3%
Seven or more  12%
None  0%
Total: 33 members' votes   (2 comments...)
How many training sessions/week have you averaged since the Lents?
A training session must be at least 30 minutes long to count.
ten or more (dedication's what you need)  7%
seven, eight or nine (ahead of the game)  11%
four, five or six (most days, but not if I'm tired)  33%
two or three (some days, and only if it's sunny)  22%
one (just couldn't be arsed, really)  11%
zero (training during holidays is pointless)  15%
Total: 27 members' votes   (8 comments...)
Are you happy to be given unsolicited coaching during outings?
Yes  67%
No  17%
Only if it also involves fisticuffs  17%
Total: 18 members' votes   (1 comment...)

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