First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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Members' Opinion Polls

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Which club will do best in the Clare Novice Regatta?
Based on
Rounds Won divided by Crews Entered
First and Third Trinity BC  51%
Caius BC  0%
Christ's College BC  3%
Churchill College BC  0%
Clare BC  0%
Clare Hall BC  0%
Corpus Christi College BC  0%
Darwin College BC  0%
Downing College BC  0%
Emmanuel College BC  0%
Fitzwilliam College BC  3%
Girton College BC  0%
Homerton College BC  0%
Hughes Hall BC  3%
Jesus College BC  3%
King's College BC  0%
LMBC  15%
Lucy Cavendish BC  0%
Magdalene BC  0%
New Hall BC  3%
Newnham College BC  0%
Pembroke College BC  0%
Peterhouse BC  3%
Queens' College BC  0%
Robinson College BC  0%
St Catharine's College BC  0%
St Edmund's College BC  0%
Selwyn College BC  0%
Sidney Sussex College BC  0%
Trinity Hall BC  0%
Wolfson College BC  0%
CULRC  18%
Total: 39 members' votes   (19 comments...)
Which is sweeter?
Winning men's and women's fours in the space of 30 minutes  71%
Beating LMBC four times in a week  26%
Chocolate  3%
Total: 31 members' votes
Who is the most comedy selfish bastard?
Edmund Blackadder  63%
Basil Fawlty  0%
Homer Simpson  7%
Alan Partridge  23%
Steve Stiffler  0%
Withnail  3%
Oscar Schindler  3%
Total: 30 members' votes   (1 comment...)
What's the best exercise for when you're stuck in a queue?
Bear in mind ability to get moving quickly if needed, and effects of stream and wind and constrained spaces.
Roll ups  12%
Frontstops tapping  8%
Backstops tapping  4%
Standing up in the boat (i.e. by taking a stroke)  4%
Cutting the cake  0%
Swapping blades between sides  4%
Pausing on the recovery  8%
Everyone swap seats  62%
Total: 26 members' votes   (14 comments...)
What is/was your favourite VIII
Everyone has a favourite boat, past or present.
BP1  26%
Denys Lawrence  12%
BP2  21%
Margot  3%
BP3 [Karlische]  18%
BP4 [Aylings]  0%
BP5 [the wooden thing]  6%
Peter Brandt  9%
Titan  0%
Conqueror  3%
Fair Maid of Kent  0%
Henry  3%
Total: 34 members' votes   (23 comments...)

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