First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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Members' Opinion Polls

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Favourite outing type?
UT2  19%
Fartlek  6%
2x19' pyramids  10%
Power water work  16%
3 courses  32%
6 x 3'  3%
6 x 500m  13%
Row to Ely  0%
Swapping blades over  0%
Total: 31 members' votes   (22 comments...)
Optimal Easter vac training?
What mix of the following will give you the edge for May Term crew selection?
Lots of sculling (added benefit of tanning)  38%
Lots of pairs rowing (also tanning)  56%
Numb bum ergo sessions  53%
Beach weights  31%
Maxim  9%
Swimming  22%
Rowing diet (it's all about food - sod the exercise)  47%
Steroids  19%
Tubbing  9%
Running  50%
Lunges  22%
Analysis of 2005 Boat Race technique  28%
Shiny new lycra  34%
Cox press-ups (2004 2nd May VIII special)  16%
Holiday job as a labourer  6%
Holiday job in the sporting arena  9%
Plenty of fluids...  50%
Total: 32 members' votes   (1 comment...)
Where will you be on Boat Race day?
Last year I watched the Boat Race on television, which had the advantage of me being able to see the whole race (although sadly not the Goldie/Isis race), but the disadvantage of missing out on the brilliant atmosphere on the bank. This year, ITV have the television rights, so I'll probably head down to London. What will everyone else be doing?

On Boat Race day, I will be...
On the bank at Hammersmith watching the action live  32%
In a pub along the course  9%
Watching on the big screens  15%
In the launch  0%
Listening on the radio  6%
Watching on television  56%
Supporting Cambridge  94%
Supporting Oxford  0%
Wearing an item of Cambridge Blue clothing  29%
Drunk  26%
Revising :(  15%
Not watching the boat race, I have better things to do with my time  0%
Total: 34 members' votes   (7 comments...)
We all know there are lots of rules about Boat Club, but with which of them do you agree?
1st RULE: You do not talk about BOAT CLUB.  39%
2nd RULE: You DO NOT talk about BOAT CLUB.  43%
3rd RULE: If someone says _stop_ or goes limp, taps out the outing is over.  21%
4th RULE: Only eight guys to a boat.  32%
5th RULE: One boat at a time.  25%
6th RULE: No shirts, no shoes.  50%
7th RULE: Outings will go on as long as they have to.  96%
8th RULE: If this is your first night at BOAT CLUB, you HAVE to row.  57%
Total: 28 members' votes
Will the women's boat club gain the Lents Headship within the next 3 years?
After their fantastic performance this Lents, it's not that far away. Can they do it in 3 years?
Yes  57%
No  43%
Total: 37 members' votes   (16 comments...)

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