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Members' Opinion Polls

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First and Third 2005 Fashion Awards
Vote for your top three fashion innovations of 2005
Coxing t-shirt from Boston  16%
Amelia's blue and gold headband  12%
Novice hoodies  20%
Awful novice t-shirt  4%
CULRC's new kit  20%
Rich and Dan's free and easy clothing policy - water obscuring lower bodies, luckily  16%
First & Third's golf style  12%
3rd May VIII reinvent the '3rd boat wears yellow' tradition from the mid 1990s  60%
4th May VIII's 'classic' look  12%
Magnus' personal style  12%
Dilini's personal style  4%
Matching club underwear  16%
Andrew's personal style  4%
FaT Duck, the fastest duck on the Cam  12%
1st Lent VIII's stripes  40%
'Towpath mud' look  24%
Total: 25 members' votes   (3 comments...)
Who fills your stocking; Father Christmas, or Santa Claus?
What do you reckon the guy in red with the white beard and the reindeer and the sleigh who comes down the chimney and eats the mince pies and sherry is called?
Father Christmas  69%
Santa Claus  14%
My parents  17%
Total: 36 members' votes
Rich and Dan
Now they're off, you can be honest. They're:
Barking  77%
Brave  74%
Brilliant  74%
Total: 31 members' votes   (5 comments...)
After how much rowing would you have classified yourself a boatie rather than just a rower?
Are you in a boatie relationship? Do you spend more than two hours a day at the boathouse? Have you ever worn lycra for anything except rowing? Are more than fifty percent of your friends rowers? Do you arrive (late) at lectures in your splashtop? Come to think of it, do you miss most of your lectures/supervisions because you're still at the boathouse? If the answer to more than two of these questions is yes, you are a boatie. But how long did it take for this addiction to creep up on you?
I was a boatie before I arrived at Trinity  6%
They got me at the Chaplains Squash and it's been downhill ever since  26%
As soon as I'd been tubbing  2%
By midway through my novice term  30%
After I'd done Clare Novices  0%
After novice Fairbairns  2%
Once I'd experienced my first Bumps  21%
Once I'd experienced Bumps, in the warm sunshine, with Pimms afterwards  4%
Me, a boatie?! I don't think so!  9%
Total: 47 members' votes   (8 comments...)
Do different pasta shapes taste different?
Macaroni goes with a cheesy sauce. Fusilli goes with a tomatoey sauce. Spaghetti was invented to go with bolognese, and you can't have cannelloni without spinach and ricotta. All of these shapes have their merits, but do they actually taste different from one another?
Yes  57%
No  43%
Total: 42 members' votes   (19 comments...)

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