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Members' Opinion Polls

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We all know there are lots of rules about Boat Club, but with which of them do you agree?
1st RULE: You do not talk about BOAT CLUB.  39%
2nd RULE: You DO NOT talk about BOAT CLUB.  43%
3rd RULE: If someone says _stop_ or goes limp, taps out the outing is over.  21%
4th RULE: Only eight guys to a boat.  32%
5th RULE: One boat at a time.  25%
6th RULE: No shirts, no shoes.  50%
7th RULE: Outings will go on as long as they have to.  96%
8th RULE: If this is your first night at BOAT CLUB, you HAVE to row.  57%
Total: 28 members' votes
Will the women's boat club gain the Lents Headship within the next 3 years?
After their fantastic performance this Lents, it's not that far away. Can they do it in 3 years?
Yes  57%
No  43%
Total: 37 members' votes   (16 comments...)
Name the new novice VIII
Something eye-catching, flash, witty. Something like...
Ricardo  26%
Camilla  3%
Will Thorne  3% for formals  10%
Break bows here (with a dotted line around the bow section)  23%
Nimbus 5000  3%
Eat my bows  0%
Nick Kingsbury  0%
David Jones  0%
The Munro (welcomes freshers 8/9 at a time)  3%
Penetrator  0%
Nothing, it will have to be replaced within a year  0%
The Bathtub  0%
Log  0%
Sir Martin Rees  15%
FiT FaT VIII  0%
Crab Central  0%
We don't need sponsors  3%
No name but a comical face with sharks teeth and evil eyes  10%
Total: 39 members' votes   (9 comments...)
For Valentine's Day I gave...
Tick all that apply.
Card  81%
Chocolates  42%
Dinner  50%
Flowers  15%
Maxim  15%
Underwear  19%
Head  35%
Total: 26 members' votes   (7 comments...)
Where's Ditton?
Some people refer to the Ditton end of the reach as the
Top of the reach  32%
Bottom of the reach  68%
Total: 37 members' votes   (35 comments...)

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