First and Third Trinity Boat Club
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Members' Opinion Polls

Message board > Members' Opinion Polls 223 to 227 of 282
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Who delivered more Christmas presents this year ?
Father Christmas  33%
St. Nicholas  6%
Santa Claus  11%
Kriss Kringle  0%
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer  11%
Royal Mail  39%
Total: 18 members' votes
Which of these have you experienced on an ergo?
Following on from our discussion of personal worsts, which of these have you done on an ergo?
Thrown up  48%
Got buttock cramp  72%
Shat your pants (preferable to rowing for LMBC)  4%
Had sex  20%
Passed out  4%
Given up  72%
Total: 25 members' votes   (4 comments...)
I won the Fairbairn Cup...
In 1956  10%
In 2004  19%
For second boats  24%
For novices  5%
For Fours  10%
In my single scull  67%
Total: 21 members' votes
What is your 2k PW?
That's Personal Worst if it's not obvious - only counting pieces you started with the intention of doing a flat out 2k, and discounting any you didn't finish
10:00+  0%
9:40-9:59  0%
9:20-9:39  0%
9:00-9:19  4%
8:50-8:59  4%
8:40-8:49  4%
8:30-8:39  4%
8:20-8:29  7%
8:10-8:19  0%
8:00-8:09  0%
7:50-7:59  7%
7:40-7:49  14%
7:30-7:39  11%
7:20-7:29  4%
7:10-7:19  21%
7:00-7:09  11%
6:50-6:59  7%
6:40-6:49  0%
6:30-6:39  4%
6:20-6:29  0%
6:10-6:19  0%
6:00-6:09  0%
<6:00  0%
Total: 28 members' votes   (29 comments...)
How often do you wash your kit?
More than once a week  29%
Once a week  24%
Once a fortnight  29%
Once a month  9%
Once a term  3%
When it rains  6%
Total: 34 members' votes   (11 comments...)

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