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Members' Opinion Polls

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If there was a General Election tomorrow, for whom would you vote?
BNP  0%
Conservative  26%
DUP  0%
Green  0%
Jury Team  0%
Liberal Democrat  42%
Labour  11%
Plaid Cymru  5%
SDLP  0%
Sinn Fein  0%
SNP  0%
Trade Union & Socialist Coalition  5%
UKIP  0%
UUP  0%
Other  11%
Don't know/undecided  0%
Total: 19 members' votes   (1 comment...)
As per Julia's request, should the next FaTTBC vs BPBC multisport event be touch rugby?
Touch rugby is a superb game played by men and women together and, though not widely played here, is the largest participation sport in NZ. For those unfamiliar with the game check out this for a basic intro:
yes  50%
no  50%
Total: 18 members' votes   (4 comments...)
Whither FaTTFC vs BPFC?
This year's 1st & 3rd vs Black Prince football match was less competitive than in previous years. This may be a consequence of BPBC having gained more recent graduates, leaving 1st & 3rd somewhat disadvantaged. How should the fixture be run in future years to keep it competitive?
No change  41%
Pick teams on the day, each being mixed FaT/BPBC  0%
Play (e.g.) strokeside vs bowside, again with mixed FaT/BPBC teams  6%
Organise a composite FaT/BPBC team to play, say, the College 2nd XI or another boat club's old boys  12%
Only run the fixture in years when there is particularly strong interest from FaT  0%
Have a 5-a-side tournament instead  0%
Play the game in Michaelmas term when more 1st years are likely to be involved  41%
Abandon the fixture  0%
Other (please suggest below)  0%
Total: 17 members' votes   (3 comments...)
Who will do best at the (W)HoRR?
Clearly there are different numbers of entries (400 in HoRR, 300 in WHoRR), but going purely on places, which result do you expect?
Women beat men by > 50 places  0%
Women beat men by 31-50 places  7%
Women beat men by 11-30 places  33%
10 or fewer places between them  7%
Men beat women by 11-30 places  13%
Men beat women by 31-50 places  0%
Men beat women by >50 places  0%
Both crews lose to JPD, Mahe and Ming in a Randan  40%
Total: 15 members' votes   (2 comments...)
How Many Headships?
The four men's crews currently hold their respective headships. How many will the club hold at the end of the week?
None  0%
One  0%
Two  0%
Three  0%
Four  6%
Five  89%
Six  6%
Total: 18 members' votes

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