Whither FaTTFC vs BPFC? | |
This year's 1st & 3rd vs Black Prince football match was less competitive than in previous years. This may be a consequence of BPBC having gained more recent graduates, leaving 1st & 3rd somewhat disadvantaged. How should the fixture be run in future years to keep it competitive? No change | | 41% | | Pick teams on the day, each being mixed FaT/BPBC | | 0% | | Play (e.g.) strokeside vs bowside, again with mixed FaT/BPBC teams | | 6% | | Organise a composite FaT/BPBC team to play, say, the College 2nd XI or another boat club's old boys | | 12% | | Only run the fixture in years when there is particularly strong interest from FaT | | 0% | | Have a 5-a-side tournament instead | | 0% | | Play the game in Michaelmas term when more 1st years are likely to be involved | | 41% | | Abandon the fixture | | 0% | | Other (please suggest below) | | 0% | Total: 17 members' votes (3 comments...) |
Who will do best at the (W)HoRR? | |
Clearly there are different numbers of entries (400 in HoRR, 300 in WHoRR), but going purely on places, which result do you expect? Women beat men by > 50 places | | 0% | | Women beat men by 31-50 places | | 7% | | Women beat men by 11-30 places | | 33% | | 10 or fewer places between them | | 7% | | Men beat women by 11-30 places | | 13% | | Men beat women by 31-50 places | | 0% | | Men beat women by >50 places | | 0% | | Both crews lose to JPD, Mahe and Ming in a Randan | | 40% | Total: 15 members' votes (2 comments...) |
How Many Headships? | |
The four men's crews currently hold their respective headships. How many will the club hold at the end of the week? None | | 0% | | One | | 0% | | Two | | 0% | | Three | | 0% | | Four | | 6% | | Five | | 89% | | Six | | 6% | Total: 18 members' votes |
Lent Bumps Net Gain | |
What will be the net gain for the six FaT crews racing this week? Rowing over head of the first division counts as +1. Voting closes Wednesday at 12 noon. Worse than -4 | | 5% | | -4 to -1 | | 5% | | Level | | 5% | | +1 to +4 | | 21% | | +5 to +8 | | 11% | | +9 to +12 | | 37% | | +13 to +16 | | 16% | | +17 to + 20 | | 0% | | Better than +20 | | 0% | Total: 19 members' votes |
Where will be the best place to watch the bumps from? | |
With just over 3 weeks until bumps, where do you hope to be keeping your eye on the racing from? Head Station | | 0% | | First Post Corner | | 0% | | Grassy Corner | | 16% | | The Plough pub | | 4% | | Ditton Corner | | 0% | | The Railings | | 0% | | The Railway Bridge | | 0% | | Morleys Holt | | 0% | | Peter's Posts | | 0% | | Top Finish | | 4% | | Bicycle on the towpath | | 28% | | The Coxes seat | | 4% | | The Headship crew | | 28% | | Over the radio from home | | 0% | | Online @ www.firstandthird.org | | 16% | Total: 25 members' votes (12 comments...) |