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Members' Opinion Polls

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How long will it be before Gonzalo breaks his vow of celibacy?
Gonzalo has explicitly stated that he is going to be celibate this long will this last?
Gonzalo and celibate don't go together in the same sentence  67%
Less than a week  17%
1-2 weeks  0%
2-3 weeks  0%
3-4 weeks  0%
Up until a massive bender just before exams  6%
He'll succeed (anyone voting this option has accidentally pressed the wrong button)  11%
Total: 18 members' votes   (5 comments...)
Yes, but...
Having decided which party to vote for at an election, you discover that the selected candidate used to row for LMBC. What do you do?
Vote for another party: I could never support anything to do with LMBC  7%
Vote for another party: any LMBCite is going to be incompetent  7%
Vote for the same party: candidates' personal lives are irrelevant  0%
Vote for the same party: come on, we're talking about running the country here, there are limits to disliking LMBC  7%
Stand against them just to prove that anything they can do we can do better  80%
I always find out about the candidate before deciding how to vote, so this would not apply to me  0%
Total: 15 members' votes
If there was a General Election tomorrow, for whom would you vote?
BNP  0%
Conservative  26%
DUP  0%
Green  0%
Jury Team  0%
Liberal Democrat  42%
Labour  11%
Plaid Cymru  5%
SDLP  0%
Sinn Fein  0%
SNP  0%
Trade Union & Socialist Coalition  5%
UKIP  0%
UUP  0%
Other  11%
Don't know/undecided  0%
Total: 19 members' votes   (1 comment...)
As per Julia's request, should the next FaTTBC vs BPBC multisport event be touch rugby?
Touch rugby is a superb game played by men and women together and, though not widely played here, is the largest participation sport in NZ. For those unfamiliar with the game check out this for a basic intro:
yes  50%
no  50%
Total: 18 members' votes   (4 comments...)
Whither FaTTFC vs BPFC?
This year's 1st & 3rd vs Black Prince football match was less competitive than in previous years. This may be a consequence of BPBC having gained more recent graduates, leaving 1st & 3rd somewhat disadvantaged. How should the fixture be run in future years to keep it competitive?
No change  41%
Pick teams on the day, each being mixed FaT/BPBC  0%
Play (e.g.) strokeside vs bowside, again with mixed FaT/BPBC teams  6%
Organise a composite FaT/BPBC team to play, say, the College 2nd XI or another boat club's old boys  12%
Only run the fixture in years when there is particularly strong interest from FaT  0%
Have a 5-a-side tournament instead  0%
Play the game in Michaelmas term when more 1st years are likely to be involved  41%
Abandon the fixture  0%
Other (please suggest below)  0%
Total: 17 members' votes   (3 comments...)

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