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Members' Opinion Polls

Message board > Members' Opinion Polls 59 to 63 of 282
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What's your favourite Blondie song?
They might not move a boat very fast, but they knocked out some awesome tunes. These are all on youtube.
X-Offender  0%
Denis  5%
Hanging on the Telephone  14%
Heart of Glass  14%
One Way or Another  14%
Dreaming  0%
Call Me  10%
Atomic  14%
Rapture  0%
Maria  24%
The Tide is High  5%
Total: 21 members' votes
Is this the best photo yet on the website?
This is the 8,040th photo uploaded onto the site. Is it the best?
Yes  14%
No  86%
Total: 29 members' votes   (1 comment...)
Boat Race
Light Blues  30%
Dark Blues  15%
BPBC  55%
Total: 20 members' votes
Who should be in the Trinity BC football team?
11 men to beat the old boys. I've just taken the mubs list, feel free to suggest others.
Ahmadnia  19%
Braviner  24%
Carr  43%
Hill  14%
Chow  10%
Chung  29%
Coker  43%
Dehabadi  10%
Denby  24%
Dunleavy  33%
Fletcher  33%
Ford  14%
Garcia  19%
Garrod  48%
Gruessing  43%
Jane  52%
Kebschull  19%
Kiely  10%
Laffan  38%
Leadbetter  29%
Lewis  14%
Li  10%
Malmberg  29%
Masset  14%
Mertes  29%
O'Neill  10%
Ostrowski  10%
Preiss  38%
Richardson  10%
Routh  10%
Cunha  33%
Smith  19%
Stoneman  29%
Strawson  48%
Vial  24%
Total: 21 members' votes   (6 comments...)
The Big One redux
neither  3%
men  12%
women  6%
both  79%
Total: 33 members' votes

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