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Members' Opinion Polls

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Who will win BBC Sports Personality of the Year?
Joe Calzaghe  7%
Lewis Hamilton  33%
Ricky Hatton  0%
Andy Murray  0%
Christine Ohuruogu  0%
Paula Radcliffe  4%
Jason Robinson  0%
Justin Rose  0%
James Toseland  0%
Jonny Wilkinson  0%
Ming-Chee Chung  56%
Total: 27 members' votes   (1 comment...)
How should seating be organised at the Fairbairns Dinner?
By crew  0%
W1 with NM1, M1 with NW1 etc.  9%
W1 with M1, NW1 with NM1 etc.  2%
W1 with NW1, M1 with NM1 etc.  2%
Boy-girl-boy-girl...  2%
Fit-ugly-fit-ugly...  5%
Random selection (genuinely random)  0%
Random selection (rigged for carnage)  7%
Random selection (rigged for incest)  41%
Random selection (rigged for novice retention)  5%
Random selection (rigged for awkwardness)  2%
Alphabetically by surname  0%
By 2K time  14%
First come, first served  2%
Sec's discretion  9%
Total: 44 members' votes   (4 comments...)
What are your Fairbairns predictions?
FaT men to beat BPBC men  87%
BPBC men to beat FaT men  3%
FaT women to beat BPBC women  47%
BPBC women to beat FaT women  43%
a FaT novice crew to beat a FaT senior crew  20%
a FaT novice crew to beat a BPBC crew  13%
a BPBC member to require medical assistance  20%
a BPBC member to make the 'three-stroke practice outing' joke  63%
every BPBC member to make the 'I won Fairbairns in my single scull' joke  57%
someone to criticise Byrne's catch  67%
Coker to turn up too drunk to row  50%
Coker to turn up too sober to row  33%
JCBC to do better than expected  73%
Total: 30 members' votes   (7 comments...)
That's a negative Ghost rider, the pattern is full...
Apparently congestion in the mornings is getting worse (although we reached gridlock years ago). A 'leaked' CUCBC paper has suggested banning novices from the mornings, prompting some discussion. What to do?
Ban novices from early mornings  3%
Ban CULRC from early mornings  43%
Ban seniors from early mornings in November  29%
Ban rowing  9%
Allow limited senior outings in the dark  26%
Move novice races to the middle of Lent term  17%
Build a bigger river  74%
A quota system of early morning outings  14%
Build an air traffic control tower at Chesterton and require all boats to proceed under its control during outings  34%
Total: 35 members' votes   (6 comments...)
What happened to Granta in the Fours head?
The Granta coxless four finished last in the Fours Head in a time of 47 minutes (their event was won in just over 20 minutes). What happened?
Gate opened, blade lost  0%
Hit bridge  0%
Steering wires broke  0%
Hit debris  0%
Training plan called for technical pairs work  14%
Aliens  14%
Very localised counter-current tidal wave  4%
Thames whale  4%
Ran aground on Fulham flats  0%
They didn't 'use the stream! Stream one! Stream two!'  7%
Nothing - it was a good time for them  57%
Total: 28 members' votes   (13 comments...)

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