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Members' Opinion Polls

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Who should trial lightweights next year?
Andrew Lewis  38%
Will Laffan  44%
Richard Fletcher  44%
Martin Yarr  18%
John Kiely  28%
Philipp Preiss  41%
Lorry Carr  28%
Sam Lings  21%
Mohammad Dehabadi  18%
Tom O'Neill  23%
Seb Pancratz  44%
Christian Mertes  21%
Adam Blacklay  21%
James Strawson  23%
Tom Coker  26%
Hannah Jackson  15%
Fran Rawlins  59%
Julia Summers  51%
Rachel Croft  18%
Joanna Heath  18%
Amy Hewer  15%
Lilie Weaver  49%
Toby Garnett  38%
Total: 39 members' votes   (17 comments...)
Who will be next year's Men's Captain?
Because we know its just a popularity contest anyway ;)
Tom ''El Presidente'' Coker  3%
Ming ''The Merciless'' Chung  41%
Sebastian ''I Only Scull'' Pancratz  3%
Will ''Shortest Headship Winner'' Laffan  3%
Emma ''Brian Is So Awesome'' Leadbetter  12%
Pedro ''How Can I Copy Erica After She's Gone'' Cunha  3%
Bryn ''Will Only Coach Novice Girls'' Garrod  18%
Martin ''Must Do Bigger Weights'' Yarr  3%
Chris ''Doing a PhD to Row'' Dunleavy  9%
Lorry ''Can't Look Forward'' Carr  0%
Adam ''Very Ordinary'' Blacklay  6%
Total: 34 members' votes
How to tan?
The second most important thing about Mays rowing (after bumps)... bronzing.
Stay completely covered at all times to avoid any chance of a tan (see A. Lea-Cox)  15%
Wear an all-in-one and get strap marks (see people too busy rowing to care about looks)  48%
Wear only one strap and then switch at the lock to avoid too much of a strap mark whilst still being able to row well (see T. Coker)  6%
Push both straps down to avoid strap marks and (if female) hope it holds and (if male) hope it doesn't (see Women's hour)  12%
Go topless and just take the fines for indecent exposure on the chin (see the bank balance decrease)  18%
Total: 33 members' votes   (5 comments...)
Blue and gold bikinis?
It has been suggested that the new women's Mays kit should be blue and gold bikinis. Less (/fewer?) tan lines, and proof, if needed, that we are (all) female. Aye or Nay?
Yes please!  63%
No thanks!  37%
Total: 43 members' votes   (2 comments...)
Punting skill
How good do you think you are?
I am/was a professional and made things up to tell tourists  10%
I am/was a professional  0%
I can go fast and straight  45%
I struggle if it's busy but I'm largely OK  16%
I may have hit an occasional bridge...  3%
I'm a danger to myself and others  6%
The Conservators have banned me  0%
I'm a lady so I get a burly man to punt me  6%
Water is for racing over, not drifting down  13%
Total: 31 members' votes   (13 comments...)

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