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Members' Opinion Polls

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What is your favourite ice-based event NOT in the Winter Olympics?
Add your own below.
Giant Snowball Rolling  28%
Ice Cricket  16%
Ice Fishing  0%
Ice Hockey (car)  3%
Luge (car)  9%
Luge (vodka)  16%
Ski Jumping (car)  16%
Tea Tray Sliding  3%
Climbing Mount Washington  9%
Total: 32 members' votes   (4 comments...)
Which of these Winter Olympic sports is your favourite?
To do or to watch, it's up to you.
Ice Dancing  22%
Luge  19%
Downhill (skiing)  32%
Skeleton  5%
Slalom (skiing)  5%
Super-G (skiing)  3%
Ski Jumping  5%
Curling  8%
Total: 37 members' votes   (26 comments...)
What next?
Rich and Dan have rowed across the Atlantic and are surely deserving a well-earned break. But once they've rested and feel like doing something extreme again, which of these events or teams should they compete in/for?
Primal Quest  9%
Arctic Team Challenge  9%
Yukon Quest  9%
Global Challenge  0%
Gumball 3000  4%
Great Britain rowing squad at Beijing 2008  13%
Trinity Bruces  57%
Total: 23 members' votes   (9 comments...)
Are you a giver or a taker?
As requested a couple of weeks ago in the Deal or No Deal poll.
Giver  77%
Taker  23%
Total: 26 members' votes
What is your greatest fear when rowing on the Thames?
I believe all of these have been encountered by FaT / CU members at some point (with the possible exception of the CowboyNeal option). Which one gives you most nightmares?
Snapped rudder strings  13%
The Harbour Master  0%
The Black Buoy  13%
Fulham Flats  17%
Gastroenteritis  13%
Sofas  9%
Acer Nethercott  0%
Donald Legget  26%
Whales  9%
Total: 23 members' votes   (5 comments...)

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